Very weird people!!!!!!

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In North Somalia the Ethiopians come walking on feet to our cities sleeping in our streets and creating ghetto neighbourhoods. In south Somalia, the Ethiopian army is killing and raping our people. They learned our language, wore our clothes, dance our dhaato. Also they are following us everywhere Somalis moved to Minnesota they will move there also. In diaspora, they claimed Somali identity for refugees status. Their government send spies to Minnesota to spy on Somalis from Ogaden region. They meddle in our political affairs. They want to decide who will be our new president. And now They are joining Somali forum. It is somalispot, a spot for Somalis. Why they are running after us? This is new level of obsession that I never saw it before.
wallah you are hilarious :chrisfreshhah::dead:


Your superior
Off her meds:bell:

Funny thing is her clan is considered the biggest Beggars. Her people don't live in their undeveloped barren villages but they all live in Mogadishu or hargeisa (who they hate).

Any hard working Ethiopian is welcome in Somaliland before a filthy beggar.


Your superior
those aren't your streets. xabashi are more welcome than dhulo, keep them out of your cities if you like- preemptive comment cause i know this is coming z3zrULCz3zrULCz3zrULC

Is there a problem with the truth? You can do whatever you want in your territory and I can do whatever I want in mine. They are welcome before you
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