Vintage Somali Jewelry

People don't use the vintage styles anymore but moved into this type of style:

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I think this is still lovely but the more traditional such as the chokers should definitely make a comeback.

I thought only the men wore chokers. I like the concept of Somali based designs. We don’t need something as simple or ridiculous as a flag or beads to represent culture. For example Tuareg crosses or Thor’s hammer necklace are recognizable symbols of certain cultures. And theyre unique.

I’m curious what options for accessories exist for men? I’ve seen pictures with men. Maybe instead of amulets with Quran, perhaps with short Somali poems?

or maybe for men we revive weapons like daggers and swords but for ceremonial or decorative purposes. Somalis already do this today with homemade painted sticks. They paint them black and make them look like spears. I think the billao would be nice to see in a modern, sleek, decorative design.

