Visualising Fst Distances Between Somalis and Global Populations

Are there anySouth-Sudanese / nilotic samples? Ironically the overlap with Sierra Leone and Nigeria can be found from the Berber and Tuareg tribes founded deep in the sahel who had trade relationships with these peoples.
Afars are closer to Amhara than us? What's the reason for that?
is there a reason why the almost extincticed afar nation be closer to us than their fellow habeshas? Its already predictable that all of the habesha nations are more closer to each other than they are to somalis, we were always separate and unique
how come syrians are more closer to us than west africans do? This black race was always the fakest thing white man ever invented:mindblown:
how come syrians are more closer to us than west africans do? This black race was always the fakest thing white man ever invented:mindblown:
Our Sub Saharan DNA is mostly related to Nilo-Saharans speakers, not Niger Congo speaking people. So we don't share autosomal DNA with them. If they added Dinka people, they'd probably be closer than the Middle Eastern population.
Our Sub Saharan DNA is mostly related to Nilo-Saharans speakers, not Niger Congo speaking people. So we don't share autosomal DNA with them. If they added Dinka people, they'd probably be closer than the Middle Eastern population.
Also, I think this measures genetic similarity, not genetic relation.

E.g a half English, Nigerian guy would be closer to Somalis than they would either Europeans or West Africans using this measurement, maybe I'm wrong idk.

Also, its pretty obvious that when people say “black” they're not talking about genetics but rather how someone is seen in particular societies, I don't even see it as a racial category, rather just a simple description of how a society would identify a person and honestly, sometimes Somalis pass that label but sometimes they don't pass, it just depends. Either way most Africans have a firm identity and don't really need to use the black label as a personal identity to distinguish themselves, where they come from and who they are. The same way a Yemeni, Syrian, indian and Mexican don't need the “brown” label to identify themselves even if its generally used as a descritipive marker.
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Abdullahi Ahmed

Free Palestine
is there a reason why the almost extincticed afar nation be closer to us than their fellow habeshas? Its already predictable that all of the habesha nations are more closer to each other than they are to somalis, we were always separate and unique
Afars have a high birth rate, I doubt they will go extinct
Our Sub Saharan DNA is mostly related to Nilo-Saharans speakers, not Niger Congo speaking people. So we don't share autosomal DNA with them. If they added Dinka people, they'd probably be closer than the Middle Eastern population.
so nilosaharan speakers were always separate from niger congo speakers? but how come nilosaharan descendants are more closer to araps than they do to niger congo?
Afars have a high birth rate, I doubt they will go extinct
its not only the fertility rate that determines your fate, they are surrounded by far more numerous nations on all sides, they are 2 or 3 million among 126 million ethiopians, and in eritrea they were reported to be 200k among 5 million eritreans, so yughurs in china have more chance of survival than the doomed afar tribe


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
Fst just sort of measures genetic drift which can be controlled and skewed by many factors. Two populations that only diverged maybe 5,000 years ago (a blip in human evolutionary history) can be very strongly Fst diverged if one of them went through an extreme bottleneck and they both have small population sizes. Compare any pre-historic HG groups to each other, even from the same region, and you'll maybe notice this.

It's useful but shouldn't be the only metric one consults. Recent shared ancestries, estimated time-divergences between components (possibly as high as 40kya between the majority of what's in "Nilotic" and "West-African" respectively?) should also be considered.

Abdullahi Ahmed

Free Palestine
its not only the fertility rate that determines your fate, they are surrounded by far more numerous nations on all sides, they are 2 or 3 million among 126 million ethiopians, and in eritrea they were reported to be 200k among 5 million eritreans, so yughurs in china have more chance of survival than the doomed afar.
The horn of Africa has been in that state for hundreds of years, yet those canfaris have stood their ground and kept their culture alive.

Northern Swordsman

Tawxiid Alle lahaw, Talo na Alle saaro.
This is interesting Afars are Cushitic speakers but have substantial semitic influence in their gene pool. I did not expect them to be this close to Amhara at 0.01 but phew they’re identical atp minus their language family.
The horn of Africa has been in that state for hundreds of years, yet those canfaris have stood their ground and kept their culture alive.
mainly because they live in a scorching desert that no body wanted to occupy in the past but with the growing population and ever advancing technology of making deserts habitable I doupt afar will make it to the middle of this century, oromo hordes are already migrating to their deserts


♚Sargon of Adal♚
mainly because they live in a scorching desert that no body wanted to occupy in the past but with the growing population and ever advancing technology of making deserts habitable I doupt afar will make it to the middle of this century, oromo hordes are already migrating to their deserts
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