Hey @Ferrari I don't mind to hand over state functions in Puntland that are federal duties, let them hand over what is state duties also. I am not sure why their so attached to state functions(more aid money maybe) if their seen to be doing more. They will get far more then aid money if the regions develop, they will collect federal taxes from industries booming around the nation. I will hand over immigration matters like passport, visas, etc to them. We have already I think with our immigration department strictly following the Somalia guidelines but under puntland management. We will hand that over to them any day of the week so they can bring in an SFG official who will work in Garowe and manage that department.
We are not hard bunch of people in Puntland. Heck even the custom at galdogob between Somalia and Ethiopia is their duty also, but we are doing it for them, they need to set up custom offices around border areas and pay and run the officials from the SFG not Puntland to do, it's immigration matter. Somalia is a joke, the things SFG should be doing, it's not, and the things the states are doing they should not.
@Ferrari me and you as puntland and jubbaland president in 20-30 years inshallah as we take the war to the 'old baboons holding onto hamar first and region last' mentality.
what would you do differently to Deni and Gas if you were puntland president?
I would personally allocate 100% of jubaland resources to jubaland, no federal soldiers in jubalnd, all taxes collected in jubaland would stay in jubaland, jubaland would have foreign policy of its own, dealing with the outside world.

I would create citizenship levels, level A belong to my tol, and everyone else getting level B.
all level B citizens would be monitored closely, under surveillance 24/7 365, to avoid any future confrontation.

I wouldnt give anyone else the chance or time to grow as on opposition group.