Waaq / Eebbe and Cushites?


This thread is needlessly stretched out.

Both 'Waaq' and 'Eebbe' are the name for God. 'Waaq' actually comes from Oromos although Somalis don't like to admit it, it's their language. Somalis, Oromos, Rendile, etc used to be more unified as Cushites and called God 'Waaq'.

'Eebbe' came into northern Somalia later and was actually brought by Christianity...yes...Christians in northern Somalia called God 'Eebbe'. In fact, 'Eebbe' actually means and/or is a synonym for 'father' or 'our father' or 'Master' or 'Lord', that alone makes it obvious that it comes from Christian presence in northern Somalia which is already well established and accepted that it was brought over by the Aksumites. 'Eebbe' could also have origins from the Hebrew word 'Elohim' but I don't know that for a fact.

'Waaq' fell out of favour because since Islam was brought over by the north, the word used by the northerners (which was 'Eebbe') quickly overtook 'Waaq' in popularity and importance but essentially they both mean the same thing.

Since it was still used by Oromo pagans the stigma of paganism and being a 'Galla' could have discouraged Somalis from using 'Waaq' to name God.

Lesson's over.

You're a child. Eebbe has been used for eons by the Somali nomad

U also claimed southerners use Waaq, but ignore that Ogaden, Majerteen and all these other tribes which originate from the far north use Waaq too

The reason why Eebbe could be used in any other context is because Ebbe is similar to Rabb/Lord in meaning as opposed to simply God.

@Samaalic Era dw bout these kids who learnt the language and history yesterday from 'I.M. Lewis'
You're a child. Eebbe has been used for eons by the Somali nomad

U also claimed southerners use Waaq, but ignore that Ogaden, Majerteen and all these other tribes which originate from the far north use Waaq too

The reason why Eebbe could be used in any other context is because Ebbe is similar to Rabb/Lord in meaning as opposed to simply God.

@Samaalic Era dw bout these kids who learnt the language and history yesterday from 'I.M. Lewis'
lol :yloezpe:

When I siad north it's clear that I meant NW and I never said the north didn't use 'Waaq' at all, it's just that 'Eebbe' was introduced from Christianity from the north and tooks over (SL and Djiobuti areas) and spread with the ascension of Islam in the north. The fact still remains that the southerners, especially Hawiye, used Waaq more and the word came for central and southern areas of Somaliweyn...not the north. My screenshot backs this all up.

What does Eebbe being a synonym of 'Lord' have to do with anything? Waaq was and still is used as the Cushitic name for God. Waaq was known as the supreme God of the universe.
You're factually incorrect. Read books which mention 'Waaq' and 'Eebbe'.

Hawiye and other lowlanders were the very ones who used 'Waaq', whereas 'Eebbe' was spread from the north.
Hawiye most definitely did NOT use 'Eebbe' and they didn't give 'Waaq' synonims such as 'father', 'our father', or 'Lord'....those titles were only used for Eebbe and clearly came from an ancient Christian culture in the north.

I hope this clears things for you! please read and grasp people!

View attachment 96099

Source: Saints and Somalis: Popular Islam in a Clan-based Society
By I. M. Lewis

@Timo Madow and proud @Faahiye @Balaayo hope yall can agree :2tjlv3e:

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Lesson's over.
@Samaalic Era @Cam @Faahiye

Seriously, the source given in this post wasn't enough? Instead of giving out ratings why don't you respond with logic and knowledge?

no need for salt
@Samaalic Era @Cam @Faahiye

Seriously, the source given in this post wasn't enough? Instead of giving out ratings why don't you respond with logic and knowledge?

no need for salt
Why are YOU mad? I didn't even rate your post. I agreed with the other poster, that is all. Don't let yourself get riled up over small things. Since you're new here you're bound to see worse :ftw9nwa:


You can' t make claims like this and then hide your qabil lol. It's not believable unless you're Oromo or something.

You sound like those neo-Waaqists on twitter/reddit. It's too convenient for you to hide your qabil. Nice try.

According to your logic anyone who wishes not to disclose their qabiil are Sheegatos all of a sudden?
I mean whenever Somalis attempt to disregard one's statement they disagree with or project their distaste on that particular matter, it's the usual good old fashion way to discard them as Oromos.

This is a common phenomenon and not something discovered today, unfortunately our people have been painting that brush on individuals .


Akh Right movement
According to your logic anyone who wishes not to disclose their qabiil are Sheegatos all of a sudden?
I mean whenever Somalis attempt to disregard one's statement they disagree with or project their distaste on that particular matter, it's the usual good old fashion way to discard them as Oromos.

This is a common phenomenon and not something discovered today, unfortunately our people have been painting that brush on individuals .

reveal your true identity, you Somali wannabe


@Samaalic Era @Cam @Faahiye

Seriously, the source given in this post wasn't enough? Instead of giving out ratings why don't you respond with logic and knowledge?

no need for salt

Despite your efforts to shed a light on this particular matter, you have triggered Northerners and Southerners simultaneously, regarding to this topic
Culture Cleansing is what occured to Somalis after embracing Islam, it had not only impacted the every aspects of their lives but reshaped them to be who they're now, their centuries long tradition,custom and culture rebooted just like a computer..

If our long dead ancestors were resuscitated back to life and stood infront of today's Geeljires , there would be strikingly vast contrasts , differences and both groups would have difficulties distinguishing one another , linguistically it would be a painstaking challenge for both sides to comprehend once conversing a dialogue , they have shifted to different ethnic groups
It's a sad reality that Somalis can not retrace their ancient history in Pre Islam Era,
hence they are disassociating their historic past and origins for the many who have different perceptions their history and it seems obvious that they're find your statement disturbing news
And is this why they paint the brush on you as Waaqo


lol :yloezpe:

When I siad north it's clear that I meant NW and I never said the north didn't use 'Waaq' at all, it's just that 'Eebbe' was introduced from Christianity from the north and tooks over (SL and Djiobuti areas) and spread with the ascension of Islam in the north. The fact still remains that the southerners, especially Hawiye, used Waaq more and the word came for central and southern areas of Somaliweyn...not the north. My screenshot backs this all up.

What does Eebbe being a synonym of 'Lord' have to do with anything? Waaq was and still is used as the Cushitic name for God. Waaq was known as the supreme God of the universe.

There is no Eebe in any European language for them to introduce it

The word Eebe is used by my family in the Jubbas as well

Ninyahow, ur a hooyo mataalo. Stick to what u know and leave af somali to the rest of us


Forza Somalia!
You're factually incorrect. Read books which mention 'Waaq' and 'Eebbe'.

Hawiye and other lowlanders were the very ones who used 'Waaq', whereas 'Eebbe' was spread from the north.
Hawiye most definitely did NOT use 'Eebbe' and they didn't give 'Waaq' synonims such as 'father', 'our father', or 'Lord'....those titles were only used for Eebbe and clearly came from an ancient Christian culture in the north.

I hope this clears things for you! please read and grasp people!

View attachment 96099

Source: Saints and Somalis: Popular Islam in a Clan-based Society
By I. M. Lewis

@Timo madow and proud @Faahiye @Balaayo hope yall can agree :2tjlv3e:

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Lesson's over.
This came to my mind, like Somalis used to pronounce Geel as Gaal, but a eventually changed to e and maybe vs in other words, so aabo maybe was pronounced as eebbe but e has been charged to a so it became Aabba, the same as aabba in oromo and afar.

