Waaqo Guute movement and the role Somalis played in it

I don’t understand Afaan Oromo but I do know that these Oromo professors are talking about Somalis as I hear Gurre, Ajuuraan and Karanle. Somalis played a very important role in this movement. It’s was long believed that the leader Waaqo Guute was a Somali from the Gidir Karanle tribe.

I don’t understand Afaan Oromo but I do know that these Oromo professors are talking about Somalis as I hear Gurre, Ajuuraan and Karanle. Somalis played a very important role in this movement. It’s was long believed that the leader Waaqo Guute was a Somali from the Gidir Karanle tribe.

His mother was hawiye if im not mistaken, I think I came across his granddaughters tiktok once lol

