Waceysle stage huge protests in Warta Nabadda district


HG are claiming that Siinaay isn't part of Warta Nabadda now. Warta Nabadda has always been Waceysle goof, there are whole sections named after their subs like Buulo Absuge. They can yap all they want but we all know who owns it.
I always thought everyone knew that siinaay is two parts wardhiigleey, one part boondheere and another part yaaqshiid.
I always thought everyone knew that siinaay is two parts wardhiigleey, one part boondheere and another part yaaqshiid
Never knew about the Boondheere part but I always wondered why Siinaay is not in Yaaqshiid considering it is literally 5 mins to Suuq Bacaad.
They did good tbh they locked of a main intersection in Muqdisho and they're federal MP supported their actions.

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They made it very clear that they're maxaa cade a sub of macalin dhiblaawe , waceysle.

@Step a side You always claim wardhiigleey, here you have a sub subclan of waceysle shutting down the district when maxamed deeyo is gudoomiye of boondheere next door :mjkkk:

Siinaay, Cali Kamiin and Radio Muqdisho, is Abgaal area. Xamarjadiid is mixed. Buur Hindi, GeedJacayl, Xamar Bile is majority HG. Stadio Muqdisho, 15 May, Maxamuud Xarbi, Hayat Hospital and Xararyale neighbourhood all majority Murusade areas.