@Bohol will we get another 5 years of anti habar jeclo threads mise are you going to target the sacad muuse?
@Bohol will we get another 5 years of anti habar jeclo threads mise are you going to target the sacad muuse?
HJ catch slack for anything negative SL/Isaaq related. In koonfur they say we're the shabaab, PL says we train ISIS & come to galgala, Dhulos say we're still stealing their land. Reer Jaamac Waal reputation precedes them
I died at 'aabo cirro' 'itaal barabaro'
I feel like siciid is either @fox or @xisaabiye waa wax waalan.
I speak the Queen's English sxb i am a good little orphankkkkkk probably Fox, I'm not a "bruv"