Wafti Somaliland Luqu Soo Dhaweeyey Maqaalada Badhan

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I respect that brother but I serve the biggest queen in the world Sxb yaa queenta ka wanagsan oo ka taajirsan may Alllah bless her

You should get rid of that colonial mentality brother.. You don't need some old cadaan lady or a man to look up to.. If you absolutely need a monarchy to look up to, we can extend the MJ sultanate to your area and even make you the deputy sultan.


I respect that brother but I serve the biggest queen in the world Sxb yaa queenta ka wanagsan oo ka taajirsan may Alllah bless her
sahib youre acting like they put you on a slave ship and sent you to the atlantic , the queen and britain conqured the whole world no one is bowing down to the queen

youre ancestors would be ashamed to hear youre fighitng for colonial borders and serving the queen
the embarassment :siilaanyolaugh:


You should get rid of that colonial mentality brother.. You don't need some old cadaan lady or a man to look up to.. If you absolutely need a monarchy to look up to, we can extend the MJ sultanate to your area and even make you the deputy sultan.
mj sultanate was the worst sultanate in horn of african history, all they did was bend over to the italians without a fight
:siilaanyolaugh:meanwhile geledi sacked zanzibar defeated meneliks troops at the battle of luuq

and its conciderd the worst sultanate in the south:siilaanyosmile:
sahib youre acting like they put you on a slave ship and sent you to the atlantic , the queen and britain conqured the whole world no one is bowing down to the queen

youre ancestors would be ashamed to hear youre fighitng for colonial borders and serving the queen
the embarassment :siilaanyolaugh:
I still stand by the queen God save the queen I love my colonial borders and what?


I still stand by the queen God save the queen I love my colonial borders and what?
:rejoice:wallahi everyday i stand up high knowing i had warrior ancestors who never allowed my people to get rounded up and sold to the Atlantic by the british and italians

serving the queen means shiit sahib they would have sold you're ass if it went for youre warrior ancestors :siilaanyosmile:
:rejoice:wallahi everyday i stand up high knowing i had warrior ancestors who never allowed my people to get rounded up and sold to the Atlantic by the british and italians

serving the queen means shiit sahib they would have sold you're ass if it went for youre warrior ancestors :siilaanyosmile:
Our ancestors were too savage wallahi real geesis


Weeping for the Nation of 68

Warsangeli Folks are now fully somalilanders I dont wanna here any foolishness from reer Somalia about who owns SSC Dhulbhnte and warsangeli are a part of the nation and always will be a part of the Waqooyi family

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