Wagner mercenaries in Puntland?

@Itsnotthateasy a reminder that AS is fully backed and supported by the SL administration, the flow of isis fighters into calimiskaad mountain ranges has been facilitated by IS operatives in the region who have cooperated with the SL authorities to turn a blind eye and arrange transportation for these isis recruits.
SL will pay dearly for what it’s allowed to facilitate. Make no mistake about it.
@berberaboy66 @Itsnotthateasy our forces are trained by mercenaries and US special forces. It's these forces that were sniping Isaaq colonels in Goojacade during the 9 months before you were leaderless and routed. All that hooting and hollering to the intl community did you no good, all that crying foul. They have 14 years of special forces training while yours were sitting in Ethiopian classrooms. We put up the finger to the UN and nobody can do nothing.

I just asked a question about Bosaso port? Why are you derailing this thread