Most faaraxs are virgins are into gangbanging and crime here and can't find a woman to do with. Ganganbanging virgin faaraxs. Ratchey loud virgin xalimos. Zoomal.

Most faaraxs are virgins are into gangbanging and crime here and can't find a woman to do with. Ganganbanging virgin faaraxs. Ratchey loud virgin xalimos. Zoomal.
High school-college aged Somali chicks 16-24 are getting it down here in the U.S. There was one Somali "" girl at my high school. All dumb Somali niggas hit it. I was smart, so the nice smart one's let me hit it or have FWB. It was on the down low. Plus I had a car, which most Somali guys didn't.
LmaooI was 14 or 15 i think, she broke my while riding it, stupid white .had to get rushed to the hospital, it looked like a murder scene. basically, we never did that position again, she basically jumped on my with her fat ass.
Is your dick shaped like a boomerang now? Mine is and I haven't even broken it
coolioIt wasn´t bent before, but now it´s bent to the left and some girls like it, others find it painful. Btw, sex is blessed. go get all the siil while u can. don´t let these SS sheiks tell u otherwise.
Wtf these s are legit discussing their dick shapes![]()
Do itI've waited this long, 21, no point ruinin' it now.
I am a well known firginOnly a few people here are virgins. Everyone else is ty
I see @Barni liked that post, what you sayin' barni tho? You offering somethin'?
It's overrated! Besides women prefer experienced man who knows what he's doing.