walee the Somali nation is cursed! f*ck why was I born into it! Look what they rejected!

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Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot

Their schools are known to be the top notch schools of the world. They are serious about educating people all over the world. They believe this is a religious duty and they are loaded with money. Its a movement where they believe educating mankind is a path to Jenna.

Instead of facilitating for them to build a school in every village of Somalia guess what our cursed leadership has done? They kicked them out for a matter that does not concern us.

But I am happy that SL had the wisdom to keep their school in Hargeisa :hemad::salute:


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"Build schools, not mosques"? :icon eek:
"Girls are equal to boys"? :icon eek:
"Learn from the west and embrace its values"? :icon eek:
a the cursed nation :mjlol: nasiib daraanah :snoop: fk it though reer SL didn't kick them out hopefully the whole North wises up on the Gulen movement, reer south Haa iis riif riifan and booty clap for erdogan and them xaraabs

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
a the cursed nation :mjlol: nasiib daraanah :snoop: fk it though reer SL didn't kick them out hopefully the whole North wises up on the Gulen movement, reer south Haa iis riif riifan and booty clap for erdogan and them xaraabs

honestly I am hostile towards any Somali leadership but the SL leaders deserves

for allowing schools like this to stay and even facilitate....Case in point, the Abaarso Tech, the school that send like 15 kids to ivy leagues....And now disregarding the Turkish demand that they close a superb school because of their own internal matters:2tjlv3e::2tjlv3e::2tjlv3e::2tjlv3e::2tjlv3e:
If Somali wanna stick by Erdogan, fair enough - he has done quite a bit - but they need to demand they build better schools. Make the loyalty worth our while.

You lot are hasty. Trying to burn down bridges that took time to build. Relax.

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
If Somali wanna stick by Erdogan, fair enough - he has done quite a bit - but they need to demand they build better schools. Make the loyalty worth our while.

You lot are hasty. Trying to burn down bridges that took time to build. Relax.

Erdogan aint building shit, he is busy purging the menace amidst his government. Good luck with that shit
Erdogan aint building shit, he is busy purging the menace amidst his government. Good luck with that shit

The man built a hospital. Adheer you sound like a married woman when her husband loses his job - "you've never given me anything, I'm taking the kids you bum!". Have some bloody patience.

Their schools are known to be the top notch schools of the world. They are serious about educating people all over the world. They believe this is a religious duty and they are loaded with money. Its a movement where they believe educating mankind is a path to Jenna.

Instead of facilitating for them to build a school in every village of Somalia guess what our cursed leadership has done? They kicked them out for a matter that does not concern us.

But I am happy that SL had the wisdom to keep their school in Hargeisa :hemad::salute:

You don't know the full story, this Gülen guy was behind the Turkish coup and he is wanted criminal in turkey. All he wants to destroy the good relation between turkey and Somalia.

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
You don't know the full story, this Gülen guy was behind the Turkish coup and he is wanted criminal in turkey. All he wants to destroy the good relation between turkey and Somalia.

How did you arrive at this statement "you dont know about this man"....I am aware of the geopolitical situation and my point still stands WE MUST STAY OUT OF THE INTERNAL AFFAIRS OF THE TURKISH REPUBLIC"

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
The man built a hospital. Adheer you sound like a married woman when her husband loses his job - "you've never given me anything, I'm taking the kids you bum!". Have some bloody patience.

Adeer its unfortunate that you must call a founding father of Sspot such a derogatory female term...

none the less, id choose Gulen schools over Erdogan's little hospital and road constructions...Dont give a man a fish, teach him to fish and give equipment to fish

Prince of Lasanod

Eid trim pending
Adeer its unfortunate that you must call a founding father of Sspot such a derogatory female term...

none the less, id choose Gulen schools over Erdogan's little hospital and road constructions...Dont give a man a fish, teach him to fish and give equipment to fish
Erdogan will be ruling Turkey for the next 10 years minimum. As for Gulen, he's a terrorist according to Turkey and Trump may extradite him back.

Think long term. Whatever Gulen could have invested will be short lived compared to Erdogan and Turkey.
Adeer its unfortunate that you must call a founding father of Sspot such a derogatory female term...

none the less, id choose Gulen schools over Erdogan's little hospital and road constructions...Dont give a man a fish, teach him to fish and give equipment to fish

I throw myself at your feet and humbly apologise, Adheer:jcoleno: it was merely a metaphor.

You're right about the teaching a man to fish concept, though -- but you can tell Erdogan that. We have already established relations with him. He has invested money and literally lives - Turkish people have died during bombings - to help us. He is no angel of course - nobody is - but I'm not about to jump on Gulen just because he suddenly looks like he has more to offer.
Who cares about this guy? Why do we have to rely on this man to build schools for us? We need to start being independent. Without this corrupt government this wouldn't even have been an issue.
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