walee the Somali nation is cursed! f*ck why was I born into it! Look what they rejected!

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tfw no habesha gf
Somaliland should stick with Gülen. Erdogan and his country only builds shit in Mogadishu anyways
Who cares about this guy? Why do we have to rely on this man to build schools for us? We need to start being independent. Without this corrupt government this wouldn't even have been an issue.

I like your thinking. Of course there are ways to bypass corrupt leadership and build infrastructure but that would require an organised, coherent effort. The Somalia diaspora need to mobilise and work out how many professions we have between us, raise funds, set up schools that teach by a standard nationwide curriculum. Screw waiting on central government, we need to be the makers of our own destiny. If we can set up Quran schools and have children being able to read memorise and translate Quran back-to-front --- we can set up amazing schools for worldly education. We just need guidance and funding.

Young Popeye

Call me pops
Gulen's group actually follow Islam unlike Erdogan the infidel but Somalia is currently too weak to oppose Turkey. Erdo used Gulen to gain acceptance by turk muslims then dumped him after gulen advised him not to be corrupt. I dont see how jeopardizing somalia's relations with turkey for schools is a smart move though.
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