Wallahi this is not normal behavior

She was representing them in a beauty contest despite looking nothing like them. This is hardly unjustified and even the same as someone causally mentioning they have a Somali mother and weird commentators angry they revealed that.

Again, apples and oranges and you’re not getting the nuance here.
Did you even click the video? She said they don’t even recognize her as Japanese. Or allow her to say so in the article I was reading. Even though her Hooyo is Japanese. Here is a quote from the second article I have linked, “Discrimination is widespread ranging from bullying and discrimination in schools and daily microaggressions to blatant racist denial of their Japanese identity.” They literally deny them of their Japanese identity. Here is more information: https://www.cnn.com/2020/09/22/asia/japan-mixed-roots-hafu-dst-hnk-intl/index.html Here is another one: https://medium.com/japonica-publication/hafu-problematic-or-not-a30d3f79a373
I don’t think you’ve been in other peoples communities. Cuz it does happen to them. They will be existing, posting their spouses and they get extreme hate for no reason. I can pull up so many instances of it. You should see the hate those madow football players get for marrying out. They will post their spouses online and told they’re a traitor to their race. That they are breeding out their genes. To think it’s an only Somali issue is very moronic when it’s a worldwide issue.
That's people that have married out. It's not the same though when you have mixed people having this said to them for just existing.


It isn’t an irrelevant point since it was my original point. I made it clear other groups hate it when their women marry out, but my whole THREAD is literally about the harrassment of mixed kids NOT just the mothers, it’s about Somalis specifically seeking them out and writing in the comments that they can’t mention their Somalinimo. With all due respect, apart from Cadaans with their one drop rule which I even mentioned I’ve not seen other groups write this under their mixed folk even if they dislike them. That’s always been my point so you’re the one who is trying to shift the goal post.
It is precisely your original point that was critique worthy. The measure for what defines being a Somali is paternal lineage. That is not surprising given Somalis are a tribal nation. Therefore if a Somali troll wants to be a di**head and antagonise someone for their identity, guess what they will probably say? It stands to reason that they will deny someone's identity based on paternal lineage because that's their unique marker. Consider it the tribal equivalent of muwalad (Arab) or mudshark (white) or any derogatory name that is intended to insinuate hey that kid there ain't one of us. I was critiquing your selective method of applying a general phenomenon specifically to Somalis only because they have a unique way of saying the same shit and claiming it exclusively a Somali thing when that's just BS.

That was my entire point, it’s one thing to insult the woman and say stuff about future kids, but it’s anger ball game to specifically seek out and then personally harass these mixed kids under their comments and then get offended for saying that their mother is Somali.
Well that's not unique. Every racial tirade and comment is harrassment. Remind me how this is unique to Somalis? Seek out? What like writing mean racial comments? What does that even mean? Every mixed race kid of every background has had their identity ridiculed. But then again you're using a specific marker for Somali identity and using that to showcase how Somalis are harassing ways which are unique. It all goes back to my earlier point.

If a half Lebanese half Ghanian ( this is a common mix) mentioned their Lebanese roots, very rarely would Lebanese go out of their way to comment on their mix when if they dislike them, and I wager they’re probably 5x more racist than Somalis and that’s my point.
Yes they would. They may not use your specific Somali maxim for identity i.e by saying you are NOT Lebanese because you're father or mother or whatever isn't Lebanese. But they would absolutely deny them their identity according to their own custom. Go and have a read here:

I’m fully aware, but you’re not being honest here. You tried to insinuate that Somalis wouldn’t have pages that are more than 100,000 but guess what? We have pages close to half a million dedicated to insulting women in mixed unions. Therefore your whataboutism is irrelevant since that’s what this whole exchange is about.
Well my point was what I’ve just outlined earlier. Now you're saying it's about mixed unions. If you go down that route, same thing. I fail to see the uniqueness. Have you been on French social media and seen NA's online? You clearly haven't. You're probably only ever in Somali spaces. Since that is what you're more familiar with, you have quite a number of Somali women online who have racked up a huge following online with their accounts exclusively dedicated to insulting, degrading and humiliating Somali men like Fathie Absie. Do they get a pass?

Somalis are terrible in this department. We are a small ethnic group and we already have pages nearly half a million dedicated to shaming women in mixed unions despite mixed race marriages being low. We aren’t even nearly the same number of cadaans, nor Pakistanis.
This I agree with.

You’ve proved my point, you used white supremacists who have a history of the one drop rule which America is built upon, I’ve acknowledged that, but I’m yet to see a mixed kid who is half Arab or Asian having people in their comments telling them they can’t mention their Arab side or Asian side.
I spoke about this in length. Maybe don't use a particular marker of identification as a universal and you will see wonders.

You haven’t as well. This is a Somali phenomenon. We know whites behave this way, they’ve been engaging in a rigid one drop rule for a long time.
Yes it is a Somali phenomenon when you want to apply their particular as a universal for the other and then become dumbfounded that you've never seen anyone else deny someone's lineage the way a Somali does! Ultimately ignoring that all things considered, it's the same pile of shite.
It is precisely your original point that was critique worthy. The measure for what defines being a Somali is paternal lineage. That is not surprising given Somalis are a tribal nation. Therefore if a Somali troll wants to be a di**head and antagonise someone for their identity, guess what they will probably say? It stands to reason that they will deny someone's identity based on paternal lineage because that's their unique marker. Consider it the tribal equivalent of muwalad (Arab) or mudshark (white) or any derogatory name that is intended to insinuate hey that kid there ain't one of us. I was critiquing your selective method of applying a general phenomenon specifically to Somalis only because they have a unique way of saying the same shit and claiming it exclusively a Somali thing when that's just BS.
That’s the issue, these kids don’t even need to say they’re Somali for them to be triggered. All it takes is for them to say their mother is Somali and they’ll harass under the comments. Even if a mixed kid doesn’t see themselves as Somali, their existence is seen as an issue. This is more than a marker of identity, they simply hate their existence. That Algerian Somali was posted by an Algerian Twitter handle, they never said he was Somali, they merely mentioned his mother’s heritage, so why do our trolls feel the need to troll and harass? Thats my point.
Well that's not unique. Every racial tirade and comment is harrassment. Remind me how this is unique to Somalis? Seek out? What like writing mean racial comments? What does that even mean? Every mixed race kid of every background has had their identity ridiculed. But then again you're using a specific marker for Somali identity and using that to showcase how Somalis are harassing ways which are unique. It all goes back to my earlier point.
Never said that racism or racial harassment is unique to Somalis but what’s a common phenomenon online is the seeking of any mixed kid who mentions him or her’s Somali mother. Even if they don’t believe they’re Somali, the acknowledgment of a Somali mother is enough for them to camp in their mentions.

The existence of a Somali mother birthing them incenses them. Their very existence is an affront to them. Which I find to be crazy.
Yes they would. They may not use your specific Somali maxim for identity i.e by saying you are NOT Lebanese because you're father or mother or whatever isn't Lebanese. But they would absolutely deny them their identity according to their own custom. Go and have a read here:

My point is different. We are talking about social media here. I know that other groups especially Arabs don’t even give mixed kids with foreign dads a passport! But my point is that our incels get angry not just about identifications but even mentioning one has a Somali mother. A person can say that they’re this or that but their mother is Somali and you’ll have incels camped in their mentions. I follow a lot of mixed influencers, some with Chinese mothers, Koreans and Lebanese and I know those groups are even more racist, but those mixed people can talk about their mothers without any push back, even if they’re not fully welcomed in their mothers’ home country.
Well my point was what I’ve just outlined earlier. Now you're saying it's about mixed unions. If you go down that route, same thing. I fail to see the uniqueness. Have you been on French social media and seen NA's online? You clearly haven't. You're probably only ever in Somali spaces. Since that is what you're more familiar with, you have quite a number of Somali women online who have racked up a huge following online with their accounts exclusively dedicated to insulting, degrading and humiliating Somali men like Fathie Absie. Do they get a pass?
NAs are so different. They probably have the highest mixed unions in the Muslim world. Morocco is literally a spot for Muslim men of all backgrounds to get wives. Having a Moroccan mother is very common. Comparing our incels whose women hardly marry out to disgruntled Moroccans whose country is literally a tourist hub for wife shopping isn’t a fair comparisons. It in fact makes our incels looks even worse.
This I agree with.

I spoke about this in length. Maybe don't use a particular marker of identification as a universal and you will see wonders.

Yes it is a Somali phenomenon when you want to apply their particular as a universal for the other and then become dumbfounded that you've never seen anyone else deny someone's lineage the way a Somali does! Ultimately ignoring that all things considered, it's the same pile of shite.


Sorry not Somali. He’s dad is a Berber or Arab from North Africa, so that’s what he is. He has no Somali name or a Somali Qabil.

Simple as.

lineage is passed through the FATHER not mother.

As for his footballing abilities, well done to the lad.
@Angelina defo has half-caste kids that she forces “waa Somali” onto them and others.
Where did I say they’re Somali. My biggest issue with fools like you is your inability to read, comprehend and take information.

Re-read my first two posts to comprehend what I’m saying, if not get the hell out of my thread and shut up.

You’re too low IQ to engage in debate and have to resort to lies. If I had mixed raced kids and a foreign husband I’d say it with my chest because your opinion means nothing to me. You think I’ll hide it because I care what you men think? Wallahi you’re so miskeen. How cute.


Where did I say they’re Somali. My biggest issue with fools like you is your inability to read, comprehend and take information.

Re-read my first two posts to comprehend what I’m saying, if not get the hell out of my thread and shut up.

You’re too low IQ to engage in debate and have to resort to lies. If I had mixed raced kids and a foreign husband I’d say it with my chest because your opinion means nothing to me. You think I’ll hide it because I care what you men think? Wallahi you’re so miskeen. How cute.

Calm down, Ms Jolie
I find it so hilarious how incels and redpillers think that by insinuating and saying I’m married to a foreign man or that I have mixed kids is a ‘gotchaa’ moment or some sort of insult that I’d keep hidden. Jokes on you for even thinking I value your opinions. If I was married to an ajnabi, I’d say it and I’d say my kids are mixed because ultimately many of you men on save a few like my family mean nothing to me.

I live by my own terms, I married a Somali because that is what I wanted and wallahi if I wanted to marry a foreigners I would do it without any fear in the world and I’d peddle my mixed kids every where and even take them to Xamar and Hargeisa, because ultimately, what the hell can you lot do?


I find it so hilarious how incels and redpillers think that by insinuating and saying I’m married to a foreign man or that I have mixed kids is a ‘gotchaa’ moment or some sort of insult that I’d keep hidden. Jokes on you for even thinking I value your opinions. If I was married to an ajnabi, I’d say it and I’d say my kids are mixed because ultimately many of you men on here save a few mean nothing to me.

I live by my own terms, I married a Somali because that is what I wanted and wallahi if I wanted to marry a foreigners I would do it without any fear in the world and I’d peddle my mixed kids every where and even take them to Xamar and Hargeisa, because ultimately, what the hell can you lot do?

Why are you always on edge? Go out for a walk sometimes.
Why are you always on edge? Go out for a walk sometimes.
I find it so interesting how people will antagonize you and then act like the victim afterwards 🤨

It’s even more funny that you come to me with the nonsense of you probably have ‘mIxEd kIddS’ as some sort of cope. Mate if I did, I’d say it with my chest?
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Plotting world domination
but that's just the ones you know. There are probably plenty more who's parents don't want them hanging out who just kind of become recluse and isolated from the somali community.

I feel like this impacts xalimos way more than somali men too. I had a decent amount of freedom and so did most of my Somali friends. The only ones I can think of that were isolated were only Somali women.


Plotting world domination
View attachment 352703View attachment 352704

Why do these weirdos feel the need to ruin posts in this way? When did the tweet suggest he was fully Somali? Why do they want mixed raced kids to not even mention their mother’s background? These incels are so strange. Hardly any group behave this way to this extent that they’ll spam comments about someone with a mother of their background’s kids having nothing to do with them especially when it’s something good.

I know other groups hate it when their women marry out, but I’ve never seen a kid with a Pakistani mother being told he can’t talk about their Pakistani heritage, or a kid with an Arab mother. Hardly any community behaves this way.

Western incels started to disappear and the fobs,Kenyans and locals back home decided to steal their spot :francis: .

Gender wars had a severe impact on fobs and locals. Like for the past year I've seen fobs on TikTok arguing constantly about ir relationships.

We legit got fobs married to non somali people hopping on TikTok just to dunk on Somali women/men.
Western incels started to disappear and the fobs,Kenyans and locals back home decided to steal their spot :francis: .

Gender wars had a severe impact on fobs and locals. Like for the past year I've seen fobs on TikTok arguing constantly about ir relationships.

We legit got fobs married to non somali people hopping on TikTok just to dunk on Somali women/men.
It’s not a gender war, it gender exploitation. Men are infinitely more powerful than woman back home. The sadistic stuff men back home can get away with doing to women and children makes it ridiculous to call it a gender way. They simply have more power in every capacity when all things are equal.

It’s men angry that they can’t control the tiny % of diaspora chicks that don’t want them. Simple as that
View attachment 352703View attachment 352704

Why do these weirdos feel the need to ruin posts in this way? When did the tweet suggest he was fully Somali? Why do they want mixed raced kids to not even mention their mother’s background? These incels are so strange. Hardly any group behave this way to this extent that they’ll spam comments about someone with a mother of their background’s kids having nothing to do with them especially when it’s something good.

I know other groups hate it when their women marry out, but I’ve never seen a kid with a Pakistani mother being told he can’t talk about their Pakistani heritage, or a kid with an Arab mother. Hardly any community behaves this way.
Clearly a rejection of the Longhouse, mashallah for the faults Somali incels have, they certainly will prevent matriarchy from being dominant in Somalia as we have seen amongst other people's.
Some of you are overreacting and preempting a problem that ddidn't occur. Online beings are a minority in the scale of all mankind who live on earth. Look around you as you go by your day, do you see normal human beings busy doing something that is normal? Or is the world falling apart around you?

You folks need to chill and get off the internet.
Lol, talking about "this is ruining our reputation" as if that wasn't destroyed already since 1991...
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I don’t support much of what Jiheeye spouts, but before he came on the scene.

There were Somali women openly taking all kinds of filth, degeneracy was being normalized on an unhealthy scale.

There was not a single woman who stood up to these harlots, to defend our our way of life.

Women don’t value honor but they fear shame and that’s exactly what jiheeye brought and thanks to him 90% of the degenerate women have left social media.

Now I know you don’t care about that as a woman but as men, the protector and defenders of women we do. And we shall forever be grateful to Jiheeye for his services.

They won’t since many deep down see the existence of mixed kids of Somali women as a threat to their masculinity. This is what this stems from, male entitlement and the archaic thinking of women as property and the existence of a mixed child from the womb of a Somali mother is a calamity for many of these fobs, even the ones who have too much pride to bully the kid. That’s why they’re silent.

That is why I’m repulsed, the idea of women being objects that are won and conquered sickens me and this is what the obsession of mixed marriages is all about. I a woman who believes in women’s personhood and autonomy can never get behind Somalis paranoia of mixed unions, because this is thinking behind it. At its core, it’s deeply misogynistic.

The op is an Algerian who made this post to shame Somali men, as a woman you can’t understand men because you aren’t one.

Men have seed wars and this Algerian is flexing on Somali men in a way only seed owner with two healthy working balls can understand.

You don’t have a part to play in these games and your solipsistic views don’t add anything to the discussion, as a matter of fact your aiding the Algerian by defending his right to spread his seed over your own Somalis.

I once spoke about how an Algerian told me how I would be killed if I ever stepped a foot in his country, why?

Because of an attractive Moroccan woman choose me over him and his Tunisian friend.(in their eyes she chose a Somali seed over magrebi.)

You don’t have a say in this fight unless you’re promoting the spreading of Somali seeds which you’re one yourself.

So be that cute cheerleader that’s cheering for the home team or be quite, no one cares for your solipsistic views that only weaken the Somali position, in favor of hateful ajinabis trying to cuck your males relatives.
I don’t support much of what Jiheeye spouts, but before he came on the scene.

There were Somali women openly taking all kinds of filth, degeneracy was being normalized on an unhealthy scale.

There was not a single woman who stood up to these harlots, to defend our our way of life.

Women don’t value honor but they fear shame and that’s exactly what jiheeye brought and thanks to him 90% of the degenerate women have left social media.

Now I know you don’t care about that as a woman but as men, the protector and defenders of women we do. And we shall forever be grateful to Jiheeye for his services.

The op is an Algerian who made this post to shame Somali men, as a woman you can’t understand men because you aren’t one.

Men have seed wars and this Algerian is flexing on Somali men in a way only seed owner with two healthy working balls can understand.

You don’t have a part to play in these games and your solipsistic views don’t add anything to the discussion, as a matter of fact your aiding the Algerian by defending his right to spread his seed over your own Somalis.

I once spoke about how an Algerian told me how I would be killed if I ever stepped a foot in his country, why?

Because of an attractive Moroccan woman choose me over him and his Tunisian friend.(in their eyes she chose a Somali seed over magrebi.)

You don’t have a say in this fight unless you’re promoting the spreading of Somali seeds which you’re one yourself.

So be that cute cheerleader that’s cheering for the home team or be quite, no one cares for your solipsistic views that only weaken the Somali position, in favor of hateful ajinabis trying to cuck your males relatives.
Lol. Have you seen any of jiheeyes content ? Much of his content is catering to incel fobs who are themselves sexobsessed freaks judging by their language.

Calling random women slurs like sh**bo or lying about them because they’re married to ajanabi is not something good lol. None of the ”shameless” women have left social media yet, they’re still there. There’s hundreds of women doing weird videos showing of their bodies and dancing provocatively, saying filthy things

Sheekada al-shabab waaye waxan, ”we have to sin to get others to stop sinning” 🤣 which is not halal nor is it even effective

Pls dont make it sound like he is doing something righteous, Jiheeye is just another shameless loser male who wanted inu accountkisa uu kala kaco using misogyny, boooring
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I don’t support much of what Jiheeye spouts, but before he came on the scene.

There were Somali women openly taking all kinds of filth, degeneracy was being normalized on an unhealthy scale.

There was not a single woman who stood up to these harlots, to defend our our way of life.

Women don’t value honor but they fear shame and that’s exactly what jiheeye brought and thanks to him 90% of the degenerate women have left social media.

Now I know you don’t care about that as a woman but as men, the protector and defenders of women we do. And we shall forever be grateful to Jiheeye for his services.

The op is an Algerian who made this post to shame Somali men, as a woman you can’t understand men because you aren’t one.

Men have seed wars and this Algerian is flexing on Somali men in a way only seed owner with two healthy working balls can understand.

You don’t have a part to play in these games and your solipsistic views don’t add anything to the discussion, as a matter of fact your aiding the Algerian by defending his right to spread his seed over your own Somalis.

I once spoke about how an Algerian told me how I would be killed if I ever stepped a foot in his country, why?

Because of an attractive Moroccan woman choose me over him and his Tunisian friend.(in their eyes she chose a Somali seed over magrebi.)

You don’t have a say in this fight unless you’re promoting the spreading of Somali seeds which you’re one yourself.

So be that cute cheerleader that’s cheering for the home team or be quite, no one cares for your solipsistic views that only weaken the Somali position, in favor of hateful ajinabis trying to cuck your males relatives.
You have a sickness. A halal marriage isn’t a personal insult towards you as a man, you do not own Somali women. If you think a mixed kid with a Somali mother is a personal insult, you belong in a looney bin.

‘Cuck’? How can someone be cucked by someone they’re not married to? Wtf is wrong with you? That is flipping incest Authobillah to say that a woman marrying out is cucking her relatives. OMG wallahi this is scary, you need help.

I genuinely feel sorry for you. You think every Somali woman, even Islaamo who married 20 yrs ago are your wives. That’s repulsive. You think even the women in your family can cuck you. You’re mad!

Also, your hypocrisy is disgusting. A Moroccan woman chose you. You got into a relationship with an ajnabi but now you think mentioning that someone has a Somali mother is attack. I really couldn’t careless about your so called sick ‘seed wars’ nonsense whilst I’m not a man I have women in my family married to ajnabis and not one man in my family felt ‘cucked’ or went on about seed wars. Their concern was simply about if that man would treat her well, because ultimately they don’t think women are objects nor do they have any weird incest feelings eww.
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Lol. Have you seen any of jiheeyes content ? Much of his content is catering to incel fobs who are themselves sexobsessed freaks judging by their language.

Calling random women slurs like sh**bo or lying about them because they’re married to ajanabi is not something good lol. None of the ”shameless” women have left social media yet, they’re still there. There’s hundreds of women doing weird videos showing of their bodies and dancing provocatively, saying filthy things

Sheekada al-shabab waaye waxan, ”we have to sin to get others to stop sinning” 🤣 which is not halal nor is it even effective

Pls dont make it sound like he is doing something righteous, Jiheeye is just another shameless loser male who wanted inu accountkisa uu kala kaco using misogyny, boooring
He is sick, he thinks the existence of a child with a Somali mother ajnabi father is a personal attack. He thinks all Somali women are his wives and feels ‘cucked’ when one is in a halal marriage. That isn’t normal behavior


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