War is inevitable in Ethiopia

Wlh I'm telling you if a war starts in Ethiopia, it will destabilise the entire Horn.

Us Somalis have just come out of a 20+ year civil war ourselves, we don't need other ethnic groups spilling into our country fleeing chaos.

I hope this current issue is resolved diplomatically because the Horn is one of the most fragile regions in Africa, and it will set all of us back to where we started.

if Ogadeniya becomes a country you do not have to worry as we will keep them in check

what do you Ogaden was doing last 700 years ? We have always been the wall that kept habashi and oromo our from somalia proper. It amazes me how Somalis attack is for wanting to Liberate the land. We will make a natural barrier for Somalis But reer low iq Somalis hate us and stab us in the back by working with Ethiopians in the last30 years
How? Are you screwed?

If a regional power that is also our next door neighbour descends into mayhem, we ourselves might get dragged into it. Simple geopolitics sxb.

Now this all depends if a war even starts which is unlikely, and whether it will stay a local conflict or a much wider national conflict in Ethiopia.


Stroking my Australinimo
How? Are you screwed?
History have shown that when flames hit the Highland, the fire spread all over the Horns.

1960s - 1990s (Eritrea > Ethiopia > Djibouti > Somalia).

1880s - 1900s (Eritrea > Ethiopia > Sudan > Djibouti > Somalia).

Same pattern before that because all the ethnic groups live in between those artificial borders so it’s always inevitable they’ll be dragged in the mess.
The best option is for better resources allocated and workforce placed to support the unofficial immigration ministers. Such as the lovely Cali Xun.

Check him out:

keep them tf out then. If zoo's were capable of killing 200 thousand Isaaq's zoo's are also capable of holding off the horde of s flooding Somalia.

We need to have a national army with every clan militia integrated. If a sub sub clan can have tanks, and thousands of weaponry, then think about a whole clan. Somalis needs to unite, create a strong leadership with fair power sharing among Somali leaders. Then we going to destroy Al shabaab in by running them over and march towards Galbeed to annex it. Then after that we can summon every Somali leader, clan leader, intellect and then discuss wether we unite for now, build up the country and then give indepence to SL or we do it right away


or we provoke the oromos and secret militia to randomly attack them, and do it near an important site like potential oil site. then we can class them as terrorists and have the us bomb them when aidthopia destabilizes and they flood our country. 2 birds one stone:denzelnigga:
bro please do not place my name next to a habash :susp:

Tigra are against abiy as ahmaar are hiding udner neath abiy and will use it to get revenge on tigra, ahmaar claim tigra killed 3-5 million in their 27 years in charge of ethiopia, which i think firstly is an amazing figure, the mroe these scum bags die the better and i also think sadly its a lie, who the ehll can hide millions of humans killed?

tigra originally wanted to break away but american enticed them to rule the country, now they are langab and out of power and deep down want out but fear western powers will be used to bomb them if they seek out freedom,

tigra also took 200km of land from ahmaar and ahmaar want this but ahmaar days are gone as oromo will not allow tigra to come back neither will america

the country is burning and no money left, abiy begged IMF 6 times so far in 12 months aidsthiopia lives on debt and credit and chartiy money

soem oromo speially the non muslim sadly want ethiopia to stay as they have been brain washed,

but i wish to thank abiy and ahmaar for killing handucha huchaala as he was a gaal and this is uniting oromo every day

the west really does not know what to do with a country that has 87 ethnic groups/ languages

may Allah burn it down and break it apart, insha Allah

Do you think before you post, ya akhi? You make du'a for Allaah to afflict a largely Muslim populated country, with disintegration, wars, killings, etc?
Wow. How loose we, bani adam, are with our tongues! Allah musta'an!


or we provoke the oromos and secret militia to randomly attack them, and do it near an important site like potential oil site. then we can class them as terrorists and have the us bomb them when aidthopia destabilizes and they flood our country. 2 birds one stone:denzelnigga:
unlikely as we would backstab each other in less than 20 nano seconds


HA Activist.
Imagine millions upon millions of Ethiopians flooding to our borders, begging us to feed, clothe and give them shelter. This isn’t good and not in anyone’s interests if Ethiopia fractionalises and destabilizes right now.
If Ethiopia collapses the way some are deadly wanting It to here, it’s the whole Horn that will. Ethiopia is the main source of Electricity and food in Djibouti. And probably exports tons to SL and Somalia too.
Every single thing you find in Djibouti either comes from Europe or the Middle East and are quite expensive for the average Djib’, or from Ethiopia.
We need to have a national army with every clan militia integrated. If a sub sub clan can have tanks, and thousands of weaponry, then think about a whole clan. Somalis needs to unite, create a strong leadership with fair power sharing among Somali leaders. Then we going to destroy Al shabaab in by running them over and march towards Galbeed to annex it. Then after that we can summon every Somali leader, clan leader, intellect and then discuss wether we unite for now, build up the country and then give indepence to SL or we do it right away

Either you're chewing too much khat or you're actually delusional if you think all the Somali clans are going to co-operate in a war that doesn't really concern them. :gucciwhat:

To top it off you're advocating for those separatist woqooyi khanisyaal to get their own country?:kodaksmiley: