Was there a Somali diaspora in the West in the 80s?


Passive Aggressive is the new Aggressive
UK has had Somalis since the 1900s. Canada a small population in the 80s. US Somalis came around the 2000s-present day.
One older somali guy told me he use to travel the east coast in America in the 80s living his best life he went to an Eddie Murphy show and went clubbing Lool


Soomaali waa Hawiyah Iyo Hashiyah
Were there any Somalis who were living in the US, UK or Canada?
Yh. I heard there were somalis mainly landers from colonial times living in Liverpool since the 1800s and were well respected and functioned well in society in comparison to your average “black” or “Asian” that was still looked down on at the time
UK has had Somalis since the 1900s. Canada a small population in the 80s. US Somalis came around the 2000s-present day.
A lot of my family were in New York and Virginia in the 80s. A lot in Virginia as well. Most of my close friends were born in the states. And they were born before me.

Most of the fobs came around 93 to 2000. Cedar was full of Somalis in 98 lol
There was a small group of Somali men here in US in the mid to late 70's in a handful of major cities. Most of them did a green card marriage to be able to stay here.
Both my parents moved to the United States/Canada in the mid-late 80s before the civil war. They met each other a few years after in Toronto in 1989.
Somalis have been in Virginia since the 60/70s. There was a smaller group in New York dating from the early 1900s, mostly seaman. There was a Somali mosque in Harlem in the 1940s.
Were there any Somalis who were living in the US, UK or Canada?


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
International Students have been around in Europe and the US since the 50s or possibly prior. But that does not count as they were there for study. There are accounts of few Somali economic immigrants in very old cenus records even earlier.

The UK has an even older diaspora and were one of the first African migrants there.
International Students have been around in Europe and the US since the 50s or possibly prior. But that does not count as they were there for study. There are accounts of few Somali economic immigrants in very old cenus records even earlier.

The UK has an even older diaspora and were one of the first African migrants there.

Yep in Cardiff it is normal to find 50 yr old odeys who were born and raised in the UK. Also, there are cadaans with Somali grandfathers who were seamen.


Bantu Liberation Movement
Of course we weren’t travelling through the Sahara desert like some of you. When we came the Somali passport was worth something.



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