Wasiir Oomar with a historic speech “Jubbaland cannot be held hostage by one man”

are you forgetting indha buluc farah moalim, omar bidaar, the cawlyahan ugas in bardheere sending threats to ogaden, from the land msb stole from him. waa cawaan. I get angry at them every time I see them waving the ONLF flag, the same flag and jihad they sat out on for 30 years. They are a liability, they have no damiir. I would sooner deal with sagaaro maraq drink ilkkyar before I deal with cawlyahan.
Who is indha Buluc Never heard of him. Which ugaas are you talking about most of the Cawlyahan ugaas are in kismaayo. The marexaan have got in your head so bad you’re counting non existent ugaas? Ina raabin currently in bardheere is mz, cilmooge is mz the most shameful Maxamed amin of reer sonkor who was the only OG that sided with hag and bare hiraale in 2013 is mz but currently mayor of afmadow.
I’ve been staunch supporter of Ahmed Madobe for years , but I am sorry but he’s complete liability.
13 years and no development in Jubbaland whatsoever . He has been using Marehan and Hawiye as bogey man for years only to hand everything to HSM. This guy is illiterate dictator and sane OGs need to remove this guy . I am as pro OG as any Ogaden , but please replace this guy
I’ve been staunch supporter of Ahmed Madobe for years , but I am sorry but he’s complete liability.
13 years and no development in Jubbaland whatsoever . He has been using Marehan and Hawiye as bogey man for years only to hand everything to HSM. This guy is illiterate dictator and sane OGs need to remove this guy . I am as pro OG as any Ogaden , but please replace this guy
I get attacked and accused on this forum for being anti - mx traitor. But THIS IS THE KEY for mx and og to make alliance.

Madobe has to step down ! Heck let’s pick another og leader if you want but he has to go.
@Bowda-dheer @JigjigaKismaayo guys let’s stop fighting in front of shisheeye

@JigjigaKismaayo some of the things you’ve said makes me question your integrity.

What @Bowda-dheer said it’s true. There are more Dhabodhilifs from the X side then Y. However these Dhabodhilifs have 2 agendas. 1 is personal vendetta and the other is political/economic interest.

The ones who are against Madoobe hate him with a passion that can not be fixed and the others are just looking for a administrative title or small pocket money to be kept quiet.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
I am surprised the failed Madoobe is starting to send tacsi and beg Reer Gedo now. Maybe the words of Sheikh Shakuul enlightened him

I am surprised the failed Madoobe is starting to send tacsi and beg Reer Gedo now. Maybe the words of Sheikh Shakuul enlightened him

His own people live in Baardheere why would he not send tacsi? You think the rain is only affecting Marehans? Idiot


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
His own people live in Baardheere why would he not send tacsi? You think the rain is only affecting Marehans? Idiot
Since when were Cawlyahan his people? We have Madoobe rer abdille supporter @JigjigaKismaayo expose the hatred. He can careless but whats the gurmad $$$ from IC


I get attacked and accused on this forum for being anti - mx traitor. But THIS IS THE KEY for mx and og to make alliance.

Madobe has to step down ! Heck let’s pick another og leader if you want but he has to go.
Key points Marexaan on sspot dont understand

1.) You have nothing as a clan in the 2 jubbas you come as individuals like a Leelkase would in Beled Xaawo.

2.) Jubbaland will always be autonomous so long as its within Somalia

3.) Hawiye are low born and have no place in Jubbaland. Particularly their main characters not the Hawiye 91’ we will create a few maqarsaar assistant positions for them.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Key points Marexaan on sspot dont understand

1.) You have nothing as a clan in the 2 jubbas you come as individuals like a Leelkase would in Beled Xaawo.

2.) Jubbaland will always be autonomous so long as its within Somalia

3.) Hawiye are low born and have no place in Jubbaland. Particularly their main characters not the Hawiye 91’ we will create a few maqarsaar assistant positions for them.
Madoobe already acquiesced Kismayu port to FGS and signed the Baidoa meeting which stipulates JL will be under FGS Supreme Court also education. Deni and PL refused this.

He is more pro HAG than Hiiraale ever was


are you forgetting indha buluc farah moalim, omar bidaar, the cawlyahan ugas in bardheere sending threats to ogaden, from the land msb stole from him. waa cawaan. I get angry at them every time I see them waving the ONLF flag, the same flag and jihad they sat out on for 30 years. They are a liability, they have no damiir. I would sooner deal with sagaaro maraq drink ilkkyar before I deal with cawlyahan.
What are you on about sxb? Cawlyahan waa tol nasab ah. If they are fed up with Madoobe they so are we. Tolkaaga ka xishoo haddaadan sheegad ahayn


Madoobe already acquiesced Kismayu port to FGS and signed the Baidoa meeting which stipulates JL will be under FGS Supreme Court also education. Deni and PL refused this.

He is more pro HAG than Hiiraale ever was
I wouldn’t trust anything Madobe signs


Madoobe already acquiesced Kismayu port to FGS and signed the Baidoa meeting which stipulates JL will be under FGS Supreme Court also education. Deni and PL refused this.

He is more pro HAG than Hiiraale ever was
Madoobes not the type to share food with his kids let alone his money with the homeless.

If Hawiye come into real control of Kismayo, I will support Fartaag. You particularly argued for 13 Benadir seats in Aqalka Sare and revived ‘Benadir state’ but if you can now agree Hawiye are low caste and dont deserve anything you are 1 step closer to reforming into those three points.
@Bowda-dheer @JigjigaKismaayo guys let’s stop fighting in front of shisheeye

@JigjigaKismaayo some of the things you’ve said makes me question your integrity.

What @Bowda-dheer said it’s true. There are more Dhabodhilifs from the X side then Y. However these Dhabodhilifs have 2 agendas. 1 is personal vendetta and the other is political/economic interest.

The ones who are against Madoobe hate him with a passion that can not be fixed and the others are just looking for a administrative title or small pocket money to be kept quiet.
oomar bidaar is the one who tried to start a jabhad to overthrow madobe in Kismayo, on behalf of farmajo and mareha, the same niggas that took bardhere from them. Would MZ allow that ever? heck no! I don't think any other OG clan would allow shit like that either. These guys are no good. Don't stick up for them just because they are ogaden. Even in caro Ogaden, they are useless.
kuwaa dhiig iyo damiir toona malaha. Let them go bro.
oomar bidaar is the one who tried to start a jabhad to overthrow madobe in Kismayo, on behalf of farmajo and mareha, the same niggas that took bardhere from them. Would MZ allow that ever? heck no! I don't think any other OG clan would allow shit like that either. These guys are no good. Don't stick up for them just because they are ogaden. Even in caro Ogaden, they are useless.
kuwaa dhiig iyo damiir toona malaha. Let them go bro.
@Removed I think you were right about one of us being sheegato or they did something bad to his family. A fact finding mission needs to be sent to his family.


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bardhere soo dhacso instead of crying about madobe 24/7.
Wtf are you talking about ? tolka Kor uga Bax they can say anything about madoobe he’s not your boyfriend to be defending madoobe from Cawlyahan. Obviously you haven’t been to kismaayo ? Madoobe has them cawlyahn niggas in his madaxtoyada with PKMs if you think he’s worried about Cawlyahan. Now go fish somewhere else.


oomar bidaar is the one who tried to start a jabhad to overthrow madobe in Kismayo, on behalf of farmajo and mareha, the same niggas that took bardhere from them. Would MZ allow that ever? heck no! I don't think any other OG clan would allow shit like that either. These guys are no good. Don't stick up for them just because they are ogaden. Even in caro Ogaden, they are useless.
kuwaa dhiig iyo damiir toona malaha. Let them go bro.
The real Cawlyahan dondadda down south is Seeraar who fought to create JL. When Siad was sending his folks to burn Afmadow and take Kismayo who founded the SPM? Wasnt it Gabayow who spoke up and went to prison? Wasnt it the Cawlyahan who formed a rebel group in Bale even before Nasrullah? Didnt the Cawlyahan and Makahiil cede their right to the presidency to ensure Cheese was dealt with? Where was your subclan when the Cawlyahan Abdulrahman Mursal fought even the british to ensure no favoritism was made for the Low caste? Name me an Cawlyahan equivalent to Iley?

I was never one for the sheegad cards but I wouldnt stand for even our retirees Marsin/Teeri/Ferrari to start that subclan trash here go back on your slander or you can be the new @Jaallegeesi :ufdup:

