do you even know why the pirates first came to be? and how they morphed into money hungry militia? these people were dumping toxins into our waters and polluting it, they then stole whatever fish was in the sea (that could've fed millions of somali people). When they were caught by the somalis they offered to pay them off in whatever amount they asked for. which turned into a business of extortion. none of the was mentioned in the movie. instead dit was about a somali gang of skinnies plotting to rob this white man. and the protagonist was clearly shown as the white guy. while we were the antagonist. the imagery and the message is clear as day. no different then black hawk karbash the americans downExcept the movie didn't demonize them at all. It portrayed them as desperate people who were forced to do something they didn't want to. Which is true.
If talking about a problem within your community makes one a coon, then you're a coon too. He's just more successful at it than you are. He gets paid for it, while you do it for free.:siilaanyolaugh: