It's mitches like you who bark the loudest who don't get no play so don't front, now go make another thread about fucking Somali chicks f*ck boy.I bang women, you bend over for men. Ha ii baran khanis boy.
May Allah bless your mother & sister, may they get the highest position in the afterlife amiin.@Cognitivedissonance I will f*ck your mum and sisters, if you keep talking shit.
Only somalis call a dead human bakhtiy it's not even in Islam
Yes I've seen it. The Queen can wait.Did u see what they did to Niagra Falls? Purple lighting. Apparently it was scheduled ahead of time for the Queens bday but she can go die somewhere, it's for Prince in the public's eyes.
who u refering to?Never heard of him until that half cad cad half hutu girl accused me of looking like him.
Can't stand that old witch they call "queen ". She presided over and enjoyed the blood and valuables of centuries old pillaging of her people on the poor nations of the world. Heck! Her people's actions have affected us as well bc Not So Great Britain gave both Ogadenia and NFD away as if it was theirs. Naclad ilaahay ha ku rido qaxaabada. Allow sakaraadka ku dhib hadii gaalnimadeeda ku dhimato