we have a new clan flag

mr steal your naag

banu hashim and shiettt
I dont know if we have any garre's here? but i didn know they were somali i though they were oromo:ohhh:

So reer sspot what do you think of the flag? It looks like the old yugoslav flag.

Flag_of_Yugoslavia_(1946-1992).svg (1).png

mr steal your naag

banu hashim and shiettt
:ohlord: looks french.

We have about 8 clan flags and they're (apart from the majestic PL flag:westbrookswag::rejoice:) ugly and unoriginal.

They should've gotten creative with it. Some camels, ocean, trees etc incorporated into it.

If it was my idea it would've been banging:yousmart:
I blame OG they got 3 clan flags allone:mjlaugh:
Some somali bussiness men should make money of somali qabils litterly if you play it right you can become rich of somalis qabyaalad :trumpsmirk:
Theres a cad cad wadani guy in karmal mall that sells flags, braclets of every qabil. Somali tv did an interview with him, he was shocked at how fast it sells, but he keeps meeting the demand. Apparently they sell like hot cakes during the summer. idk why summer tho

mr steal your naag

banu hashim and shiettt
Theres a cad cad wadani guy in karmal mall that sells flags, braclets of every qabil. Somali tv did an interview with him, he was shocked at how fast it sells, but he keeps meeting the demand. Apparently they sell like hot cakes during the summer. idk why summer tho
Mf cadcad ma nigga:denzelnigga: Its mostly somali girls that buy flags and bracelets they have that extra qabyalaad mentality
I like the 2nd flag personally
Looks basic, the blue does stick out tho. Makes it more attractive.
Guess you haven’t seen the Hiiraan State flag tho, only Somali flag with another symbol other the star, palm trees makes it look like it’s the flag of an exotic country
. Dunno if it’s an official flag tho.


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