we have a new clan flag

To hell with all of you and your fake stupid flags , f*ck this bakhati generation.:mjpls:
this century of humiliation will end one day Inshallah, I might not live to see it but it will end . it's the order of things.



Veni Vidi Vici
Theres a cad cad wadani guy in karmal mall that sells flags, braclets of every qabil. Somali tv did an interview with him, he was shocked at how fast it sells, but he keeps meeting the demand. Apparently they sell like hot cakes during the summer. idk why summer tho
Silly diaspora coming in dozens in the summer = A lot of business :damedamn:
Looks basic, the blue does stick out tho. Makes it more attractive.
Guess you haven’t seen the Hiiraan State flag tho, only Somali flag with another symbol other the star, palm trees makes it look like it’s the flag of an exotic countryView attachment 199058. Dunno if it’s an official flag tho.

This was our planned flag for Hiiraan State in 2016, we should lobby for it to be the new Hirshabelle flag 😁 its actually pretty crazy.


SSpots starting point guard
Niggas want to be so different it’s crazy, soon or later each qabil is gonna have their own qabil anthem.
I will make a new qabil and I want my anthem to be,”Noloshayda waa Noloshaada, Qalbigayga waa qalbigaaga”. The flag will also look like a poorly drawn Swedish flag.