We must come to terms with our conquerors

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Your superior
We have to accept that the Holy xabashi race (loved by God) and the kingdom of Kenya (blessed by Allah sw) have conquered us. Our women have to spread their legs for their new owners with pride.

We have to pride ourselves that Allah has allowed us to the the chosen slaves to these blessed nations. I love this so much, I have never been so happy. May it continue. I just hope God allows us to serve hid favourite race, the Israelis.

After years of doubt, i know with certainty that the existence of god is not irrefutable. However, i know that as people we can change things, instead of relying on a god. I respect others beliefs though. Its cool. :mugshotman:


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
why always the women? :dabcasar:
why, why
It might look bad now, but the tables can turn quickly, stop worshipping other races and stop bringing in women in the equation.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
We have to accept that the Holy xabashi race (loved by God) and the kingdom of Kenya (blessed by Allah sw) have conquered us. Our women have to spread their legs for their new owners with pride.

We have to pride ourselves that Allah has allowed us to the the chosen slaves to these blessed nations. I love this so much, I have never been so happy. May it continue. I just hope God allows us to serve hid favourite race, the Israelis.

In your sick sadistic sinister mind you wish Somalia ill & you wish it would be wiped off the map, insha Allah that won't happen. I honestly believe in your hearts of hearts that you love Israel more than Somalia. Somaliland is increasingly looking like a satellite state of Ethiopia.
Somalis are resilient and have been suffering 4 two decades, why not just ease their suffering?Illahay waa nacaaay somali people .:yacadiim:

Do you know how many trials and tribulations bani isra'il have gone through when they were the most beloved people to Allah ta'ala on the face of the Earth at this time??? Imagine being enslaved for centuries and under the thumb of shayateen practically forcing you int shirk. Not to mention the many genocides and persecutions they have endured in the past. Somalis are facing nothing compared to what other groups of people that have been favored by Allah ta'ala have faced in the past.


I got boomer connections
Do you know how many trials and tribulations bani isra'il have gone through when they were the most beloved people to Allah ta'ala on the face of the Earth at this time??? Imagine being enslaved for centuries and under the thumb of shayateen practically forcing you int shirk. Not to mention the many genocides and persecutions they have endured in the past. Somalis are facing nothing compared to what other groups of people that have been favored by Allah ta'ala have faced in the past.

But we're not them why the comparison?
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