We should grow Weed / cannabis and sell it to Kenya and Ethiopia. 20 billion market value

By the way, the Kenyan survey in 1991 was lies. How can Kenya top 3 substance abuse be alcohol, tobacco, and cannibus? What about Khat? That should be # 1

It is not. Out of the 40 plus communities/ ethnic or tribes ONLY Somalis, Borana few Swahili and Meru( the guys who grow it) consume. They don't even make 10% of Kenyans.
A intoxicated person believes he has better thoughts when he’s under the influence but the reality is , due to his intoxication he doesn’t realize how silly ideas are

Hashish has no calories, doesn’t abate hunger, and isn’t nutritious — no real value. Coffee is similar that’s why coffee farmers are always completely desolate and have no bargaining power, often the agricultural labor and maintenance exceeds their gross when they try selling it in the markets completely worthless as they’re forced to sell their beans wholesale performance fractions of a penny per kilo

you’re just poisoning the minds of others , it’s a form of chemical warfare, trade is supposed to be mutually beneficial
Bro khat is widespread and ppl consume it the nation is already making haram money and using it. Might as well sell it to these other profitable markets. Hopefully they don’t use it and just sell it to make some more gdp revenue

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
After I become the somali Escobar by supplying nacas to the whole East Africa

hip hop 90s GIF


سبحان اللهِ وبحمدِه Free Palestine
Bro khat is widespread and ppl consume it the nation is already making haram money and using it. Might as well sell it to these other profitable markets. Hopefully they don’t use it and just sell it to make some more gdp revenue
Brother, get serious even if your joking your thoughts and words are precursors to your actions and you might even influence others


How do you not expect Somalians to not get high off their own product… this would backfire massively
How do we grow it??
Its a weed, it will grow with little care after the first 2 weeks .
At least in somaliland the police are incentivized to arrest growers and dealers and users and allot of the younger ones know what it looks like..

Alxamdulilah I was a functioning pothead for years and spent several months a year in the country since 2015. I quit in 2018 so its been nearly 4 years since I had a toke.
I quit because it changed my personality to an asshole. Now being an asshole is beneficial when it comes to business and women and I always used to act/mimic.
A joint turns me into an asshole that loves winding people up and messing with their head for shits and giggles.

I used to grow my own and nobody outside of a circle of 3 people knew about it 😆.
Very dangerous today people know about it.
If things work out and I get funding i might be attempt some hemp growing for use in charcoal. You can make really good burning low smoke charcoal from hemp and a hectare of hemp gives you the same amount of charcoal as a hectare of trees.
4 months for the best hemp strains so you can get more than twice the amount in a year.
Already sent the proposals to funding partners will know by March if I get the money then inshallah I'll be a hemp farmer , charcoal supplier.


Forza Somalia!
Its a weed, it will grow with little care after the first 2 weeks .
At least in somaliland the police are incentivized to arrest growers and dealers and users and allot of the younger ones know what it looks like..

Alxamdulilah I was a functioning pothead for years and spent several months a year in the country since 2015. I quit in 2018 so its been nearly 4 years since I had a toke.
I quit because it changed my personality to an asshole. Now being an asshole is beneficial when it comes to business and women and I always used to act/mimic.
A joint turns me into an asshole that loves winding people up and messing with their head for shits and giggles.

I used to grow my own and nobody outside of a circle of 3 people knew about it 😆.
Very dangerous today people know about it.
You are in SOmalia ? do you grow?

