We thought Mahubo was annoying but this woman has 2 be crowned the most annoying one

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President - Sexaholics Anonymous, Ohio chapter
@GOAT she basically saying that even just being born as a female into a Somali society was itself a death sentence...

Talk about throwing your people under the bus


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Loool @ I died on her wedding night.

I'm all in empowering somali women and women running as a president but I can't stand her wanna be feminist ass.

Queen Carawelo

What I don't understand is where is the xishood? What kind of house hold were these women raised in? Why is it normal for them to talk about their privates? What exactly is she gaining from this other than few head nods from cadaan people who deeply could careless about FGM. This topic has ran its course, it's time to move on. I'm tired of Somali women being only associated with FGM, we are more than FGM and quite frankly this woman doesn't speak for every Somali woman.


@Idol Dhaqanka Soomaalida ayeey ka soo horjeedaan. They only like the fashion. They lack xishood because they hijacked the term and turned it dark like making about hiding incest. They're so disgusting I swear they were raised by s.

I died on my wedding night waan gartay but i died when i was born? :ayaanswag:

Loooool omg dead how did I miss that?

Queen Carawelo

@Idol Dhaqanka Soomaalida ayeey ka soo horjeedaan. They only like the fashion. They lack xishood because they hijacked the term and turned it dark like making about hiding incest. They're so disgusting I swear they were raised by s.

Loooool omg dead how did I miss that?
Whoa I do question their upbringing but I wouldn't go as far as saying they were raised by s. You're right about them twisting our culture, they pick and choose what's convenient for them which is quite sad.


My mum would not sit idly by while I did or said half the things they're doing. Imagine being world known for saying these things to further your career? I get a slip up and an apology followed by an explanation and a discussion but what they're doing is beyond horrible. They have no respect for the sanctity of our private image. Everywhere we go a Madow, doonfar pedo everyone will think of our vaginas before they even talk to us. They completely devalued us in the eyes of the world while working on their own public image so that they're humanized...because they were saved by the West. Their mother's have no shame for not publicly denouncing this narrative. At the very least they're shameful.


Thank you @miski I'm glad someone gets it. Wallahi if they only knew the damage they've done they'd have kept their mouths shut. They could have done it all in Somali and spoken directly to us but they're so shameless they wanted fame and money from our public shaming. We're a spectacle in their eyes.

John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
My mum would not sit idly by while I did or said half the things they're doing. Imagine being world known for saying these things to further your career? I get a slip up and an apology followed by an explanation and a discussion but what they're doing is beyond horrible. They have no respect for the sanctity of our private image. Everywhere we go a Madow, doonfar pedo everyone will think of our vaginas before they even talk to us. They completely devalued us in the eyes of the world while working on their own public image so that they're humanized...because they were saved by the West. Their mother's have no shame for not publicly denouncing this narrative. At the very least they're shameful.

You've said it all! Brava!



I. Feel. The. Exact. Same. Way.

Unfortunately these cows will not let this issue go. I hate them with every fiber of my soul.

I respect you so much for that.

Because of these 'women' a 'researcher' took a photo of a Somali girl aged no more than 5 who was sitting by a wall. The little girl had no underwear on (fully dressed including mini jilbaab I'm thinking of her mum not being able to stop the photographer or how he took the photo) and she featured on the front page of a 'humanitarian' report about the famine, even famines mean every female must be violated youmg or old. That's the damage they've done and they'll never address the knock on effect of their behaviour.

Queen Carawelo

My mum would not sit idly by while I did or said half the things they're doing. Imagine being world known for saying these things to further your career? I get a slip up and an apology followed by an explanation and a discussion but what they're doing is beyond horrible. They have no respect for the sanctity of our private image. Everywhere we go a Madow, doonfar pedo everyone will think of our vaginas before they even talk to us. They completely devalued us in the eyes of the world while working on their own public image so that they're humanized...because they were saved by the West. Their mother's have no shame for not publicly denouncing this narrative. At the very least they're shameful.
I don't think they say or talk about FGM Infront of their mom. They're attention seeking from cadaans.


They'd be on the TV talking about how their parents disowned them and they'd be applauded for their bravery ..I now understand why their mothers are silent. Xaal qaata sorry maamooyin.
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