Weight gain journey

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Being that skinny for your height is a lifestyle choice.

Eat 2L of ice cream every night while browsing the internet or watching TV and weigh yourself in 30 days.
That's pretty much what im doing now but might change it up because I've noticed my current weight gain is going to my stomach. Lol one thing I've noticed most somalis don't take care of their bodies, you get them at the two opposite extremes.
That's pretty much what im doing now but might change it up because I've noticed my current weight gain is going to my stomach. Lol one thing I've noticed most somalis don't take care of their bodies, you get them at the two opposite extremes.

It only goes to your stomach or booty. No where else.


Guul ama Dhimasho
Take in more protein. Protein can be found not only in red meat but also protein shakes. Also eat more chicken and fish. I take in 200 to 300 grams of protein a day. Depends on your height/weight.

Workout! Do heavy weights. However much you can lift no more than 5 to 8 reps (3 sets) . Do less reps, more weight. You will gain muscle mass.

Fine tune your muscles by doing more reps and light weights after 4 to 6 weeks. In addition to gaining muscle mass, you gain endurance. Don't forget cardio exercise during your light weight regiment.

Alternate between heavy and light weights every 2 to 3 days.

Fight the monotony by changing exercises and routines. Playing basketball, swimming, running sprints on a track field or jogging in the park come to mind.

I was once very skinny but not anymore, alx

Good Luck!


the pussy is never yours, its just your turn.
Buy gainers my brothers also eat atleat 5 times per day.
And hit the gym and do heavy compand movements like squats, deadlift, benchpress and military press, i promise you will gain weight. I went from 52kg to 70kg


Somaliweyn Unionist
Currently weighing in at 63 kg at 1.8m which is extremely baqti. I'm trying to put on 5-10kg over the next month or so which is possible but could also be unhealthful. Any former skinny farahs care to give some input on how they put on weight.
Im 66 kg and I'm 166 cm. Gain a lot of weight please. :eating:

Us Xalimos don't want a stick in bed so it's commendable that you're gaining weight masha allah.
:icon lol:


Give me tips bro other than going gym. I eat too much but never gain wait. Guess those geeljire genes kick in everytime

Adeer I ain't a doctor but u might have Goodhiyaan.


That's the only explanation for eating a lot but never gaining weight.
Get urself checked baanu ku nidhi.


Adeer I ain't a doctor but u might have Goodhiyaan.


That's the only explanation for eating a lot but never gaining weight.
Get urself checked baanu ku nidhi.
Waryaa ha na inkaarin nacalaa. I had gooriyaan when I was in Africa cos I ate too many dirty mangos I use to pluck from a tree. I ain't got no gooriyaan in London nacalaa.
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