Welcome eternallightx

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Queen of the light
First tell me a little about yourself Mr hyena ? You seem to be the elusive warrior in this forum are you even somali by any chance ? I do read some of your posts BTW so no lying please

I don't want to introduce myself yet


Your superior
First tell me a little about yourself Mr hyena ? You seem to be the elusive warrior in this forum are you even somali by any chance ? I do read some of your posts BTW so no lying please

I don't want to introduce myself yet
I am a dhaqancelis victim actually from a council estate in London. Nice to meet you


I'm 23 I don't know who these people are referring me as I hope she comes and verifies this. I hate to be refered to as someone else by rude people who create bogus claims with no evidence at all
don't blame these ignorant people this site has seen hard times that the few posters here were forced to create multiple nicks
i myself have 20 nicks some males and some females:whoa:
when someone new joins is hard for them to comprehend:eminemdamn:


Queen of the light
don't blame these ignorant people this site has seen hard times that the few posters here were forced to create multiple nicks
i myself have 20 nicks some males and some females:whoa:
when someone new joins is hard for them to comprehend:eminemdamn:
Surely that's false Identity why create so many accounts ? Unless you have a hidin agenda (to troll) ?
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