Went to a reer xamar wedding yesterday lmao guess what


Wanaag iyo Dhiig kar
During successive civil governments and military dictatorship of Afweyne they were better off than average Somali. A significant proportion of Reer Xamar and Bandaris were merchandise traders. They were overrepresented in civil service, fairly wealthy and educated community who had their own cuisine that influenced Somali kitchen in the south. Even back than they would mostly marry from eachother or other minorities. At present they lost their special affluent position and become 0.5 dependent entirely on Hawiye in Mogadishu and beyond.

Honestly they were great addition to Somalia as a whole we did them dirty. Average Hawiye Moryaan was looking at them like some exotic prized award fetishizing and eventually forcefully integrating them into their families. I always have second thoughts when I look at 30 y/o Hawiye with a minority mother, at the back of my head trying to figure if he's the offspring of 1990s Moryaan Jahilya days.

Are you even from Xamar ?Just because some reer badiyo from galgaduud who came to Xamar for the first time in 1991 were rapists doesn’t mean the Hawiye clan are rapists. As a matter of fact most Hawiye like Abgaal and Murursade have lived with both Gibil cad and Gibil madow for centuries without any issue.


Wanaag iyo Dhiig kar
This reer Xamar girl in her mid 20s got married to a madow revert 5 years younger, her family were upset but they accepted it.

But guess what, her daughter wanted to marry an ethnic somali guy (isaaq) 2 years ago who was an engineer, with a degree, a bit older than her, and her family almost disowned her and her brothers went and confronted him and forced him to cut ties with their sister.

Is this normal? Why do reer xamars have so much enmity towards Somalis to the point they prefer their daughters to marry a guy who is much younger, with a gaal family, not educated, over an older educated settled somali? At the wedding the mother looked pissed off 🤣🤣 some of the groom’s family were drinking alcohol there as well. Mac sonkor.

This happens in Somali families as well. There have been cases where a family will demand a high meher and expensive wedding from a Somali guy and yet be willing to give their girls away for nothing to ajnabi.

