West African Women x East African Men

Yiu calling me 30 even thiugh I'm.not yet is funny likke im going to be hurt from an anonymous user who iterally wanted an advice to start a business and it failed miserably. You have no room to talk. A grown man and asking advice to start a business like a girl asling advise on her first crush lool And you really expect me to take you seriously?
What's weird about a 19 year old asking ways to reach their endeavours?

It's called trying to make a path for yourself in life something that having failed at; at the tragic age of 30

Behave yourself eyeeyo by the time most of this forum grows up you'll be in a retirement home
What's weird about a 19 year old asking ways to reach their endeavours?

It's called trying to make a path for yourself in life something that having failed at; at the tragic age of 30

Behave yourself eyeeyo by the time most of this forum grows up you'll be in a retirement home


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
I wasn’t ragebaiting at all I genuinely love madow women but it ended up happening anyways with that macrobian accusing me of being the West African @Nilotic
I know your ragebaiting wara West Africans? come on now dont join the dark side saxib.
I don't find them attractive or appealing but I wouldn't attack them or belittle them. That's feminine behaviour.

I'm convinced some of these people were bullied by a WA or something, it's very personal for them. If you dislike people or don't care for them, you don't mention them at all, even to make fun of them. They simply don't exist to you.