What A Day! Sunni Muslims In Syria & Around The World Celebrating The High Likelihood Of Hezbollah Leader, Hassan Nasrallah's Death!


EritreanPost 🇪🇷🇩🇯🇸🇴🇸🇩🇪🇬 |Eritrean news blogger
Of course they are celebrating. Hezbollah and shia militias from all over committed unspeakable crimes against Sunni civillians in Syria. They ethnically cleansed areas and moved in shias.

Most Sunnis hate them and would celebrate his death, especially in the levant.

That is not to be confused with supporting the zionists of course, they hate the zionists more.
And Daesh HTS Al Nusra Jaiesh A killed so many 12ers in Syria Iraq and other Mena countries. There war in Syria wasn't about
sects but regime change and American

All people died Christians died 12er Sunna Kurds Jazidi since 2011.

But Israels killing of Nasrallah shouldn't be celebrated
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And Daesh HTS Al Nusra Jaiesh A killed so many 12ers in Syria Iraq and other Mena countries. There war in Syria wasn't about
sects but regime change and American

All people died Christians died 12er Sunna Kurds Jazidi
Who brought this groups into the Syria?? isn't the regime who wanted to destroy the rebels by bringing in jihadists making the conflict in Syria be a sectarian one with the help of Iran and its proxies coming in from Iraq Lebanon Pakistan and Afghanistan to fight in Syria in the name of Hussein?? Stop with the dumb conspiracy theories that no one in the region believes even pro Assad figures will laugh at what you just posted.


EritreanPost 🇪🇷🇩🇯🇸🇴🇸🇩🇪🇬 |Eritrean news blogger
Who brought this groups into the Syria?? isn't the regime who wanted to destroy the rebels by bringing in jihadists making the conflict in Syria be a sectarian one with the help of Iran and its proxies coming in from Iraq Lebanon Pakistan and Afghanistan to fight in Syria in the name of Hussein?? Stop with the dumb conspiracy theories that no one in the region believes even pro Assad figures will laugh at what you just posted.
America is responsible for it. They toppled Saddam in 2003, this led to creation of
Is and they got involved in the civil war.

Also Obama administration transported the weapons from Libya to Syria, and pets of those weapons got into the hands of Daesh. Hayat Tahrir Al Sham IS Al Nursa and Jaish Aslam were armed by Saudi Arabia Qatar and Turkey.

I am saying the civil war wasn't about religion its was about geopolitics. It was about the Qatar gas pipeline that supposed to replace the North stream 2.

It was about cutting Irans and Russias influence in the middle east bu toppling Bashar and bringing a pro western regime in power which would be pro Israel pro American anti Iran anti Hezbollah

All Syrians suffered the Yezidis, Kurds, Shiiat, Sunna, Christians all. Before America started the arab spring they all
lived together
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America is responsible for it. They toppled Saddam in 2003, this led to creation of
Is and they got involved in the civil war.

Also Obama administration transported the weapons from Libya to Syria, and pets of those weapons got into the hands of Daesh. Hayat Tahrir Al Sham IS Al Nursa and Jaish Aslam were armed by Saudi Arabia Qatar and Turkey.

I am saying the civil war wasn't about religion its was about geopolitics. It was about the Qatar gas pipeline that supposed to replace the North stream 2.

It was about cutting Irans and Russias influence in the middle east bu toppling Bashar and bringing a pro western regime in power which would be pro Israel pro American anti Iran anti Hezbollah

All Syrians suffered the Yezidis, Kurds, Shiiat, Sunna, Christians all. Before America started the arab spring they all
lived together
And Iran bringing dozen of shia militias from Iraq Pakistan and Afghanistan wasn't a sectarian one when the Iranian supreme leader himself said that the war in Syria is war against Yazid followers aka ordinary Sunni Syrians who were massacred and driven out from their homes and villages and in your mind you it's all America's fault ?? i suggest you got your infos straight from the people who lived in it not some conspiratorial ppl on internet


EritreanPost 🇪🇷🇩🇯🇸🇴🇸🇩🇪🇬 |Eritrean news blogger
And Iran bringing dozen of shia militias from Iraq Pakistan and Afghanistan wasn't a sectarian one when the Iranian supreme leader himself said that the war in Syria is war against Yazid followers aka ordinary Sunni Syrians who were massacred and driven out from their homes and villages and in your mind you it's all America's fault ?? i suggest you got your infos straight from the people who lived in it not some conspiratorial ppl on internet
All foreigners should leave Syria be it Wahabi fighters from north Caucasus Centrel Asia or pro Iranian militias who brought from Afghanistan and Iran.

But how does make it better celebrating Nasrallahs death.

Hezbollah was the only entity to
Fight with Hamas and risked the outcome.

All Syrians suffered and I am for all Syrians who died during the tragic war the Americans have caused in Syria
Have you been around people from Sham?
Yes I went to a Islamic school as kid with majority Sham people.

And I'm not at all suggesting that they don't have racists among them (don't care if they do), but if current event/political discussions around arabs is centered around "why give it attention, there racist to us", then perhaps you need to calibrate your approach in these geopolitical issues/discussions.
Yes I went to a Islamic school as kid with majority Sham people.

And I'm not at all suggesting that they don't have racists among them (don't care if they do), but if current event/political discussions around arabs is centered around "why give it attention, there racist to us", then perhaps you need to calibrate your approach in these geopolitical issues/discussions.

If you remember my words correctly I said taking sides and the reason is simply not only their view of us.

But how little we gain from the Sunnis winning, in the Arab world they use Sunni and Shia the same way we employ clan.

So this is not an Islamic issue it’s a tribal one, which Iran is using to strengthen its influence in the region, the same Way Ethiopia did with us.

Again I don’t care for Arab on Arab crime, and if Iran doesn’t take advantage Israel will, so it doesn’t matter either way.

#Somalia first


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
If you remember my words correctly I said taking sides and the reason is simply not only their view of us.

But how little we gain from the Sunnis winning, in the Arab world they use Sunni and Shia the same way we employ clan.

So this is not an Islamic issue it’s a tribal one, which Iran is using to strengthen its influence in the region, the same Way Ethiopia did with us.

Again I don’t care for Arab on Arab crime, and if Iran doesn’t take advantage Israel will, so it doesn’t matter either way.

#Somalia first
Israel want to colonize the Middle East the only thing that stand in thier way is iran, they want to topple the Iranian regime and install a puppet government that bow down to them like the gulf arabs/egypt, when they talk about deterrence is to obey and be a slave to them
Israel want to colonize the Middle East the only thing that stand in thier way is iran, they want to topple the Iranian regime and install a puppet government that bow down to them like the gulf arabs/egypt, when they talk about deterrence is to obey and be a slave to them

I thought that as well until I saw a video recently, where an American explained how the Saudis pleaded and begged The Bush regime.

To eliminate Saddam but keep the Sunnis in charge of Iraq and if you look back, you’ll see the Americans decimated the Sunni power structure in Iraq, while simultaneously making deals with Shia death squads. They practically handed Iraq to Iran!!

And If it wasn’t for the Americans, Iraq would be Sunni, The Houthi’s wouldn’t Exist and Iran would have no direct access to Syria and Lebanon like they do now.

The only losers in these wars whether Shia or Sunni are the Arabs and for greater Israel to become a reality they must vanish.

Looks like their doing the heavy lifting themselves Salafi/Wahabbi = Zionism.
Shia= Zionism. Just like Communism vs Capitalism this time with a middle eastern twist.
I thought that as well until I saw a video recently, where an American explained how the Saudis pleaded and begged The Bush regime.

To eliminate Saddam but keep the Sunnis in charge of Iraq and if you look back, you’ll see the Americans decimated the Sunni power structure in Iraq, while simultaneously making deals with Shia death squads. They practically handed Iraq to Iran!!

And If it wasn’t for the Americans, Iraq would be Sunni, The Houthi’s wouldn’t Exist and Iran would have no direct access to Syria and Lebanon like they do now.

The only losers in these wars whether Shia or Sunni are the Arabs and for greater Israel to become a reality they must vanish.

Looks like their doing the heavy lifting themselves Salafi/Wahabbi = Zionism.
Shia= Zionism. Just like Communism vs Capitalism this time with a middle eastern twist.

First of all, to equate Sunni Muslims to the evil gulf regimes is delusional and out of touch, they dont even represent the sentiments of their clan let alone Sunni Arabs as a whole.

Secondly, as a matter of principle in Islam the ummah is one body and our concern should be for our Muslim brothers and sisters as a command from Allah SWT, it does not matter what others do.

Finally, you must have no idea, what is going on in the world and the attacks on Muslim is tied to what is happening in Somalia. During colonialism the Muslim world was divided and repressed, put under the leadership of western satelite states, that is no different to what happened to Somalia. Since then, they have supported either their puppets or regional kuffar to weaken, divide, and destroy Muslim nations, Somalia included. During the war on terror they destabilized several Muslim countries and do whatever they can to keep them weak and divided, Somalia included. Now as Israel moves to take more Muslim land they have green lighted their assets to try and take our coast. All this while they lock up scholars and try to distort Islam.

Whether you like it or not, the Muslim Ummah is one body and we are all being affected the same. This is a war on Islam and Muslims. We share the same fate. Even if one does not care about the commands of Islam, you would have to be blind to not see how it is all connected.

But how little we gain from the Sunnis winning, in the Arab world they use Sunni and Shia the same way we employ clan.

Are you not a Sunni?

#Somalia first

This is usually said to dismiss any interest/concern for other Muslim nations. Usually by murtads/liberal Muslims who unsurprisingly don't care for/prioritise Islam and the Muslim world.

Secondly, as a matter of principle in Islam the ummah is one body and our concern should be for our Muslim brothers and sisters as a command from Allah SWT, it does not matter what others do.

There are a lot of "anti-Ummah" members on this forum, many of them surprisingly Muslim. This is where extreme nationalism takes you. "Why should I care about X Muslim country's suffering? What have they done for Somalia? How does it serve us?". Their actions show that they are Somali first before they are Muslim, even if they claim otherwise.