What a twist LOL


Shaqo la'an ba kuu heysaata
Oh, we were taught something else in school. They said saying negroe was offensive terminology. Madow to me just means Madow. Even if people refer to it in a negative manner in most cases I just see it referred to as our (well mine and people who are dark skin) skin colour. I rarely see it used in a negative way maybe because I am not in those spaces. So, I only see it in a neutral way. People will always find words and ways to hate people. There's not much we can do to fix them. The only thing you can do is not let them get to you and personally I wont let these kids turn Madow into a negative. Theres nothing wrong with someones Madowness.
I'm not saying you can't use it ina neutral way nor am I saying there's anything wrong with the word. Just that it can be used in a derogatory and can been seen as such outside the somali community

