What are signs of jinn possession

If you wanna know if you are possesed
Go to youtube and play some Quran and see how uou feel
If not, read some quran over yourself and ask Allah to show
Allah has all the healing for us
The jinn are more scared of us
So we should not be sacred of theam
How could you be a muslim and say they don't exist lmao they are in the QURAN
Yes I definitely agree. Unfortunately in our community mental health issues are taboo. We really need to do better.
The mind like any other part of our body can be damaged. Loud mouth jaahils who know very little about the diin have an outsized influence on the community. These people do so much damage to the Somali and Muslim comminity. God help those who are unfortunate enough to be born in Somalia and suffer from mental health issues.
No such thing as jinn possession. You may as well believe in voodoo magic. It’s people with mental health issues
Believing in jinns is a part of Islam, as has been said by a poster before me saying there is no such thing as jinn possession is a statement of kufr.

If after knowing/ being informed that its a statement of kufr and you persist in it then you are a kafir.
I think this is FAKE!!!!!!!!

No Jiin call over the phone. that woman sounded like she had a speaking disability. What is WRONG with these people????
i know sister lakin coming from a person who had a mild version of this
When I use to read the quran over my self, it use to be heavy for me and my voice would change like that
So the jinn inside her knows that she is seeking help but wont allow her, making her voice hard like that so she cant speak
wallahi its sad for people going through this, but you are intiteled to your opinion
The mind like any other part of our body can be damaged. Loud mouth jaahils who know very little about the diin have an outsized influence on the community. These people do so much damage to the Somali and Muslim comminity. God help those who are unfortunate enough to be born in Somalia and suffer from mental health issues.

Our deen talks about and mentions jinns, so why are you denying this?


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
i know sister lakin coming from a person who had a mild version of this
When I use to read the quran over my self, it use to be heavy for me and my voice would change like that
So the jinn inside her knows that she is seeking help but wont allow her, making her voice hard like that so she cant speak
wallahi its sad for people going through this, but you are intiteled to your opinion

I understand that. But lets keep our mind open a little. Lets not believe it is true 100%
Talk to professional therapists and get medication. Stay away from anyone who believes in jinn nonsense.
It doesnt have to be a professional i just dont a lot people i can trust enough to talk to. I just need to create healthier environment for m and my future. I need to create some distance from certain people in my life I'll be ok
You know some jinns fall in love with humans??? That arab jinn was in love the human.
Have you heard of the Jinn from Bangladesh called Ibn Tameya? He was a muslim jinn that possessed a woman when he went to mecca to make hajj
I dated a jinn once back in the days. Cute but annoying af. Always had to have sex with the lights off. I was tripping of acid though the whole weekend tho...


East Africa UNUKA LEH
I dated a jinn once back in the days. Cute but annoying af. Always had to have sex with the lights off. I was tripping of acid though the whole weekend tho...
over it lol GIF by Lifetime

Al-Garaad Jaamac Ciise

Siyaasigi Dhabta
Usually, when a person is possessed or cursed by sixir, or affected by xasad and jealousy, you will see prevalent signs, such as before you were cursed, people would say "Wow! (He/She) is so good at/looks so good/has an amazing, and stuff of the like. It happens when one is jealous or doesn't say Ma'Shaa"Allah to the good you do or are. Others will notice how you start to act different, gained a sickness, or something happened to you preventing you from doing the things that you were so good at. With Sixir, it has the same effects but with a different cause. Sixir is usually placed on things by saaxiriin (magicians of black magic) who have xasad on you. My awoowe was affected by sixir, placed on his belt. No matter what he never took his belt off, slept with it, went to pray with it, went to bathe in it, etc. eventually we took his belt off, and he yelled at us and beat us. My aunt called a Shiikh, who cleansed him from the Sixir and he was alright after. That's one example, but sixir can also be placed in the ground or somewhere secret that the cursed person will try to protect as much as possible. May Allah protect us all In'Shaa'Allah.
As-Salaamu Calaykum Wa Raxmatullahi Wa-Barakaatuh.
99.99% its fake and does not happen. For me my experience with jinn was mostly in my jahiliyah when I was sinning alot and I would just see hallucinations of ppl all the time and get nightmares all the time and hear things around my house and having marks on body and feeling like im in a dream and tired all the time. It was less possession more just shaytaan making me crazy.
As soon as i converted back to Islam and stopped all major sins after a couple months and reciting Quran b4 i went sleep everything stopped and I was fine. Thats how ik it was a problem with jinn