What are some conspiracy theories youve heard of?


and did you or any of us actually personally see any money changing hands from the gov to MLK's family over the supposed assassination?
The family only wanted to prove the government did it so accepting money would allude to ulterior motives (they just wanted money) which wouldn’t look good at all so accepted no money after winning the case.
if MLK assassination was fake, presumably his family (if it even is his family- it could just be actors) is in on it or they would have said something... unless they were threatened or bribed or whatever...
The family have been speaking about it for years but it’s often shrugged off even though the evidence is there, here’s a good article I found summarising the case against the government (indirectly through Lloyd Jowers and co-conspirators)


anyways, I don't believe the news. they can report whatever, what is the actual proof that it happened? they could have just put out articles "today, MLK's family was at the courthouse... STUNNING NEW REVELATION... DID THE CIA SECRETLY KILL MLK?"
I can’t remember if the CIA had a part but local police, state and federal agents/officers as well as help from the mafia at the time were involved, I can go and present evidence if you want but it’ll be a lengthy post. Look at it this way, in the Luther family vs Jowers and co-conspirators case, all evidence points to a conspiracy to murder Martin Luther according to multiple pieces of evidence such as eye witness testimony, the gun and bullet used being a different make and model to the one that killed Martin Luther, the shooter (if I remember correctly) not being skilled with sniper rifles at all, police arriving almost instantly and taking their time to figure things out despite multiple people telling them where the real shot came from (they arrested the fall guy)

All this eventually led to the entire jury only deliberating for an hour and finding the government (through Jowers) guilty and the Luther family won essentially proving that the government had a part in his murder

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Have you heard of the conspiracy theorist about Putin is actually clone?
Even Hillary Clinton is clone.

I don't believe the clone thing. but yes the Putin of today... if it is just one person and not multiple actors.... that is not the same Putin as the Putin of the 1990's. personally I don't think the 1990's Putin was FTM but yes I do think the current one is

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
The family only wanted to prove the government did it so accepting money would allude to ulterior motives (they just wanted money) which wouldn’t look good at all so accepted no money after winning the case.

The family have been speaking about it for years but it’s often shrugged off even though the evidence is there, here’s a good article I found summarising the case against the government (indirectly through Lloyd Jowers and co-conspirators)
View attachment 336330
View attachment 336331

I can’t remember if the CIA had a part but local police, state and federal agents/officers as well as help from the mafia at the time were involved, I can go and present evidence if you want but it’ll be a lengthy post. Look at it this way, in the Luther family vs Jowers and co-conspirators case, all evidence points to a conspiracy to murder Martin Luther according to multiple pieces of evidence such as eye witness testimony, the gun and bullet used being a different make and model to the one that killed Martin Luther, the shooter (if I remember correctly) not being skilled with sniper rifles at all, police arriving almost instantly and taking their time to figure things out despite multiple people telling them where the real shot came from (they arrested the fall guy)

All this eventually led to the entire jury only deliberating for an hour and finding the government (through Jowers) guilty and the Luther family won essentially proving that the government had a part in his murder

I don't believe the government, I don't believe the courts and I don't believe in conspiracy theories that are reported in mainstream outlets. the real conspiracy theories are propagated by the Omar del Surs of the world and not promoted by mainstream outlets. I know that newsone... I know it's not CNN but I believe it is a quasi-mainstream outlet. I don't think you go there and they have articles saying yahud run the media and did 9/11. frankly I don't think there are newspapers (digital or print) that cover real conspiracies.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
another thing is... how can people conclude out of hand that I'm wrong about the MLK thing? I haven't even made my case, people haven't seen the evidence I've seen that lead me to my conclusion.


if the CIA or FBI or US gov or whatever secretly killed MLK, why would there be mainstream news articles about it? if it was really like that, you would be shut down as a conspiracy theorist for suggesting it.... whenever we see these conspiracy theories openly promoted in mainstream media, that is an indication it's fake... real conspiracy theories are shut down and censored
Because it’s usually shut down and censored as you say, the court case for example was completely empty yet being about the death and government part in of the biggest civil rights leader. Yet cases of less significance are not empty and have journalists and people from all over tuning in like the OJ case.

Do you think the US government doesn’t know how to hide things from the public or suppress news or something?


I don't believe the government, I don't believe the courts and I don't believe in conspiracy theories that are reported in mainstream outlets. the real conspiracy theories are propagated by the Omar del Surs of the world and not promoted by mainstream outlets. I know that newsone... I know it's not CNN but I believe it is a quasi-mainstream outlet. I don't think you go there and they have articles saying yahud run the media and did 9/11. frankly I don't think there are newspapers (digital or print) that cover real conspiracies.
Whether you don’t support news outlets, the evidence presented made the jury (who are usually just ordinary people) completely convinced that the government killed Martin Luther, unless you’re saying the jury is wrong? Not sure what you’re saying here

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Because it’s usually shut down and censored as you say, the court case for example was completely empty yet being about the death and government part in of the biggest civil rights leader. Yet cases of less significance are not empty and have journalists and people from all over tuning in like the OJ case.

Do you think the US government doesn’t know how to hide things from the public or suppress news or something?

so the US government is controlled... the press is controlled... but the courts, the courts can't be controlled?

people haven't grasped how deep the rabbit hole goes. freemasons are in the government. they're in the news room. they're in the police department. they're in the court system.

I don't see the courts as having this magical invulnerability from the octopus of control. that is not the case. the court can also be in on it.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Whether you don’t support news outlets, the evidence presented made the jury (who are usually just ordinary people) completely convinced that the government killed Martin Luther, unless you’re saying the jury is wrong? Not sure what you’re saying here

yes, the courts are not magically immune to the octopus of control, that is correct. as for these jurors, I never met them and for all I know they could be entirely fictitious. no I don't trust press, gov and I don't believe courts are immune.

of course if some ordinary person goes to court... I don't believe it's some masonic theater or something, obviously that's real. and we know it's real because if someone's cousin gets arrested, you can clearly see in front of you that the cousin really is in jail.

yes but many of these high profile court cases are staged. and they put all kinds of fake conspiracies and disinformation to lead ppl down false trails.

"wow, I was listening to MSNBC and Democracy Now and they were really exposing things! COINTELPRO!!.... the government is in utter terror of the black panthers ideology.... they are just utterly terrified of the combination of black nationalism with leftist/socialist politics.... let me give the middle finger to the FBI and the system by playing my Tupac album on my way to the bank of america-sponsored BLM rally"

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
they are just utterly terrified of the combination of black nationalism with leftist/socialist politics

btw it isn't just socialist/leftist black nationalists... it's also Latin commies ie Cuba and Venezuela and their friends such as the Mex gov, such as Claudia Sheinbaum.... it is the exact same ideology just with different packaging to appeal to different demographics... I can't say all black nationalists who are socialist-leftist types are controlled opposition, as obviously many are genuine ppl... but Cuba and Venezuela 100% are controlled opposition run by freemasons... same with their friend Iran in the Middle East
part 2:

-Avril Lavigne was replaced (what happened to the real Avril???????)
-basically, international politics is fake and pretty much all countries are actually run by freemasons
-this is why Arab leaders are going along with zionism, it is because these Arab countries are actually run by freemasons
-opposing the MBSs and Sisis and endlessly denouncing them is kind of pointless without understanding and opposing the international Jewish-Masonic network that they work for
-we are sort of in a really bad situation strategically as an ummah because no one wants to pay attention to these kinds of "wild conspiracy theories", they want to run out in the streets to fight one masonic leader, only so they can end up being duped by the next masonic puppet because they don't grasp that the real enemy is not some Sisi or MBS type figure but rather a vast masonic network of which the Sisis and MBSs are just stooges
-I suspect Muhammad Hijab, Andrew Tate, DH and Sneako all of being freemasons (people need to not take their din from e-celebs and should stick to scholars instead... but ppl insist on following e-celebs for some reason and then complain when these e-celebs do nonsense like promote red pill)
-I suspect pretty much all social media celebrities of being freemasons, I believe the social media sites prop up freemason plants and suppress actual ordinary people
-frankly I suspect a few Somali leaders of being freemasons but don't plan to name names
-Ataturk was a freemason and freemasonry has promoted Ataturk-like figures in Mexico (Plutarco Calles, known freemason) and various other countries
-freemasonry aims to eliminate all religion except judaism, Hinduism and New Age nonsense

-many, many, many famous "women" are actually men.
examples: Taylor Swift, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Amy Winehouse, AOC, Kamala Harris, "Michelle" Obama
-Latin America is run by freemasons and people will never understand the region without understanding this as a starting point
-I believe Muhammad Jinnah, Erdogan and Imran Khan are/were all freemasons
-everyone hears about Hitler and very few English-speakers talk about Franco and this is by design... Franco is much more of a threat to the JWO because he was actually at war with freemasonry whereas Hitler was a freemason himself and was controlled opposition
Do you believe in the many totalitarian rules and systems being put in place before 2030. The supposed russian invasion of isreal, (the latter being a hypothetical theory) aswell as a prophecy. and an imminent one world government tyrannical rule. Those who are currently in charge seem to be indifferent to all this. And it's through their policies that we are seeing this shift in society whether for the better or worse. Authoritarianism is undoubtedly already in motion. Though a tyrannical one world government seems to be one of the major set in plan decisions aswell as a one world religion. What are your thoughts on this?
Last edited:
part 2:

-Avril Lavigne was replaced (what happened to the real Avril???????)
-basically, international politics is fake and pretty much all countries are actually run by freemasons
-this is why Arab leaders are going along with zionism, it is because these Arab countries are actually run by freemasons
-opposing the MBSs and Sisis and endlessly denouncing them is kind of pointless without understanding and opposing the international Jewish-Masonic network that they work for
-we are sort of in a really bad situation strategically as an ummah because no one wants to pay attention to these kinds of "wild conspiracy theories", they want to run out in the streets to fight one masonic leader, only so they can end up being duped by the next masonic puppet because they don't grasp that the real enemy is not some Sisi or MBS type figure but rather a vast masonic network of which the Sisis and MBSs are just stooges
-I suspect Muhammad Hijab, Andrew Tate, DH and Sneako all of being freemasons (people need to not take their din from e-celebs and should stick to scholars instead... but ppl insist on following e-celebs for some reason and then complain when these e-celebs do nonsense like promote red pill)
-I suspect pretty much all social media celebrities of being freemasons, I believe the social media sites prop up freemason plants and suppress actual ordinary people
-frankly I suspect a few Somali leaders of being freemasons but don't plan to name names
-Ataturk was a freemason and freemasonry has promoted Ataturk-like figures in Mexico (Plutarco Calles, known freemason) and various other countries
-freemasonry aims to eliminate all religion except judaism, Hinduism and New Age nonsense

-many, many, many famous "women" are actually men.
examples: Taylor Swift, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Amy Winehouse, AOC, Kamala Harris, "Michelle" Obama
-Latin America is run by freemasons and people will never understand the region without understanding this as a starting point
-I believe Muhammad Jinnah, Erdogan and Imran Khan are/were all freemasons
-everyone hears about Hitler and very few English-speakers talk about Franco and this is by design... Franco is much more of a threat to the JWO because he was actually at war with freemasonry whereas Hitler was a freemason himself and was controlled opposition
What is a freemason and what do they do?

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Do you believe in the many totalitarian rules and systems being put in place before 2030. The supposed russian invasion of isreal, (the latter being a hypothetical theory) aswell as a prophecy. and an imminent one world government tyrannical rule. Those who are currently in charge seem to be indifferent to all this. And it's through their policies that we are seeing this shift in society whether for the better or worse. Authoritarianism is undoubtedly already in motion. Though a tyrannical one world government seems to be one of the major set in plan decisions aswell as a one world religion. What are your thoughts on this?

I think you're referring to Agenda 2030 and the One World Government/ New World Order agenda. yes, no doubt that is real. it is a very long topic, though.

I will post more insha'Allah. it is complicated.

Russia invading jewish state... I have not heard, I do not think it will happen.

authoritarianism... I am not sure but it makes that there would be authoritarianism enforcing the NWO agenda

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
What is a freemason and what do they do?

ok if u want to know about freemasons

-read Codex Magica by Texe Marrs (author is a Christian, he throws in a couple misguided remarks about Islam but just ignore that, besides that the book is excellent)

-watch a movie from Axis-controlled France called Occult Forces... look up Occult Forces and Freemasonry, French movie, u should be able to find it

-watch the Altiyan Childs documentary on freemasonry, if they scrubbed it off youtube it should be on bit chute and maybe Rumble

just to briefly summarize, the freemasons are a secret society that serves yahud. at the top levels, they are devil worshippers. at the lower levels they pretend to be like boy scouts for adults. they control pretty much every current government.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف

the CIA murdered Franco's successor. they hated Franco's guts because he went to war with freemasonry and he won.

