What are you listening to at the moment?


Cast in the name of God Ye not Guilty
Who knew croatians could this shit when they were at war with 15 other balkan states.
These niggas hated each other so much they made crazy songs inciting genocide against each other. Shit is actually good


Internet Nomad

✪͓̽W͓͓̽̽i͓͓̽̽n͓͓̽̽t͓͓̽̽e͓͓̽̽r͓̽ ͓̽A͓͓̽̽r͓͓̽̽c͓̽✪͓̽
Who knew croatians could this shit when they were at war with 15 other balkan states.
These niggas hated each other so much they made crazy songs inciting genocide against each other. Shit is actually good

Balkan war songs are a gem

Internet Nomad

✪͓̽W͓͓̽̽i͓͓̽̽n͓͓̽̽t͓͓̽̽e͓͓̽̽r͓̽ ͓̽A͓͓̽̽r͓͓̽̽c͓̽✪͓̽
@Al Adnani why are you down voting me?

I explicitly said it was the most far out song i have listened to and enjoyed.

If you want something closer to home then how about these?


Inaba Caadi Maaha
Listening to this song while I prepare for a engineering midterm. . Makes me dream of offroading back home, feeling the wind and the warmth of the sun on my face, fresh air. Gazing into the distance, wondering if there's areas in the dark mountains, looming in the horizon, that never been touched by human. :mjlol: :rejoice:


Internet Nomad

✪͓̽W͓͓̽̽i͓͓̽̽n͓͓̽̽t͓͓̽̽e͓͓̽̽r͓̽ ͓̽A͓͓̽̽r͓͓̽̽c͓̽✪͓̽
Listening to this song while I prepare for a engineering midterm. . Makes me dream of offroading back home, feeling the wind and the warmth of the sun on my face, fresh air. Gazing into the distance, wondering if there's areas in the dark mountains, looming in the horizon, that never been touched by human. :mjlol: :rejoice:

The type of vibe that calls to your geeljire soul.