Yes!, her voice is amazing isn't it?? I only discovered her music a few months back on a Kaytranada remix thing so I sadly can't take any hipster credit
You listen to Nao as well?
Surprisingly, those are my favourite songs from her.
Yes!, her voice is amazing isn't it?? I only discovered her music a few months back on a Kaytranada remix thing so I sadly can't take any hipster creditbut I immediately loved everything about it. Those songs are her best imo, great minds think alike
The uniqueness is refreshing, I agree.It all starts on remixes. It's funny how you found her on a remix.
She has a nice voice and it's unique as well so it's an automatic plus from me. What other artists do you listen to?
i hope it's not death music
The uniqueness is refreshing, I agree.
I wouldn't know where to start naming off artists tbh; I have varying taste in music...I'm picky about specific songs (when it comes to selection and liking it in general) but when it comes to genre, I'll listen to anything. Even country. My favorite genres, consistently, have been Hip-hop and Alternative rock though. Lol, what do you consider "death music"? Like Motorhead, Black Sabbath, Motely Crue, Iron Maiden, etc...?
Yea, she'd have better chances of blowing up if she did.I wished she posted more songs consistently. All that uniqueness has me waiting.
I know I had diversity in my music tastes but I guess you beat me, mate.
Hip-hop, Hip-hop, Hip-hop gang!
Death music is anything where there is an excessive amount of screaming and shouting as well as the excessive mention of themes like blood, pen poking and witch rituals done for fun. I tend to run away from music like that.
Definitely; from old school rhymes to the ratchet/trap stuff, and everything in between
I don't minding the shouting if it's also accompanied by a good melody haha. I usually avoid the ritual stuff though, the closest to what your describing reminds me more of my Screamo days where I listened to a lot of trash...the emo/scene phase is a time no kid ever needs to remember.![]()
Too much diversity for my liking, hun.
You listened to Screamo? Damn, that type of rock music got you intrigued? The only rock music songs that really got me hooked was the early 20's like this:
There were others that I listened to but I forget their names. That unique music video is forever forgotten.
Don't judge me, it was a long time ago...let's just say I was a very angsty 10 year old.
And yes! old Linkin ParkI swear I was obsessed with that "In the End" song. Nickle back was cool too, I always felt it got such unnecessary hate...I still don't understand why (apparently it's corny?
). I don't know if it fully counts as rock but others similar to yours that I used to listen to also included: Evanescence, Paramore, Matchbox 20, 3 Doors Down, Three Days Grace, Creed, Hinder, Avenged 7fold, Disturbed, Bullet for my Valentine, 30stm, Slipknot, Black Veil Brides, Pan!c at the Disco, Skillet, Breaking Benjamin, etc.