What are your ambitions/goals/dreams in life?

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And what helps motivate you towards achieving them?

In short, what are y'll up to out there?


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Money so my people can thrive

A rock hard and healthy body

Seeing my parents retire before I turn 30. As in having their financial situation in check.

Marrying a lovely woman and eventually having kids.

The usual
Travel the world, start how ever many companies it takes to make it big. Retire before i am 45 and just spend the rest of my time making this world a better place. Investing in infrastructure, and medicine, helping people out of poverty.
Complete my studies. Work in my field. Travel around the world. Meet Mr right and travel with him some more . Then maybe have kids. If Allah wills.


All Praise To Allah |
I don't have dreams really, as long as I pay charity, serve my parents, good stable job and perform hajj and die as a good muslim& firm believer in Allah the almighty then that's the landmark my friend. Nothing more nothing less.
I don't have dreams really, as long as I pay charity, serve my parents, good stable job and perform hajj and die as a good muslim& firm believer in Allah the almighty then that's the landmark my friend. Nothing more nothing less.

With a mindset like that, you must be your parents dream that came true. Mashallah.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
I got plans when I hit 30 and got capital Im gonna start up various businesses

Most of these are back home

Egg farming I can be the Main supplier here easily I cant tell how many days there were no Eggs in all the stores cause the seller had none

Restaurant/Catering business gonna call it Plaza

Gokart business If I got 5 cars and every ride I charge 20 bucks for 15 min that's a 400 bucks a hour

Last I wanna get into real estate and gardening


Your superior
The Usual

shaqo, family, die, rot in a hole, wake up from nap, get to know my new home for eternity Jahanab kkkkkkkk

Burned so bad I look darker then a Warsangali. Hit the Quan with shaydan.

Get a twerk from a bad bih in Jahanab.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Unite the Somali clans and retake the Ogaden, NFD, and Djibouti in a glorious conquest of the Horn.
Unite the Somali clans and retake the Ogaden, NFD, and Djibouti in a glorious conquest of the Horn.

Our very own Ghengis Khan. The man united the savage nomadic Mongol clans and look at what they did. I'll be by ur side sxb, as one of ur top advisors. I also want first dibs on the war booty, literally and figuratively.


If Genghis Khan is truly your hero, I'd thoroughly recommend the "Wrath of The Khans" series from Dan Carlin's Hardcore History podcast.
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