how can you like boom and not bang.... loool I actually like cushitic... I like the sound of cushion too... I dunno
....oh my I forgot two of my fav words
entropy and quiescent..
You're a hippie walaale, you belong in the 60s
how can you like boom and not bang.... loool I actually like cushitic... I like the sound of cushion too... I dunno
....oh my I forgot two of my fav words
entropy and quiescent..
I gotta tell you folks, I gotta say, and I see some great people in this forum, terrific people, I gotta say, you guys have the best Somali forum. There are great Somali forums out there, but we have the best forum here, fantastic forum here. Tremendous forum.'Tremendous' is Trump's favorite word. Guy uses it every other sentence. siilaanyolaugh
You know very well what it means.btw what does your pic mean??
Whats the name rer hamar call others? Fara deer or something lolThe word I hate the most = cadcad. When someone uses it in my presence I'm just likemakes me feel like hitting their throat.
I don't know about favorite word though.
It sound better that way dont you think..Suulasha taabo huno
Is kalo qabo aan ku leefe
Adeer meeshan waa la isku dila for changing a grown ass man's sentence.
Adeer meeshan waa la isku dila for changing a grown ass man's sentence.Lafahaga dhibataysan u naxan.
Adeer waan ogahay meeshan in laiskurifo..lkn majecli erayadaan akhrinaayo in ay masawir xun itusaan..iga raali noqo ma iscelinkaro![]()
Waan kaa aqbalay adeer..jid fiican baad kusocotaaRaali ahow adeer.
Adeer inantada hada soo kacdey igu dar noh. Waan asturiWaan kaa aqbalay adeer..jid fiican baad kusocotaa![]()
Adeer inantada hada soo kacdey igu dar noh. Waan asturiobamadatazz Gotta tame it before she gets wild and she gets taken away by Abu Tufaax Wal Walmart Mixtape ka iibshe.
ma dhagax baa wax jilciya..... alloo common sense hanaga qaadin!
huuno anigu ayeeyo bilaa ilko ayaan ahay.... iska daa hilib dhagax lagu garaaco.... I can't even eat touch baasto iyo bariis....Hilib dhagax kugaraac, arag markaas![]()
Qofka loo baahanyahay baa tahay.the only food im acquainted with waa porridge
Qofka loo baahanyahay baa tahay.
waqtiga hada lagujiro wax naxariis ah maleh. ragii baa is qoryeenayaba![]()