Fixed that for you.Crying is for @Mercury
The only time I was holding back tears watching something was once when I watched a documentary of how a woman who was mentally ill was raped and murdered. She was 31 but had mental age of 10. She wasn't capable of assessing danger etc. Some dickhead taxi driver lured her away and left her dead in a ditch.
The reason it got to me was because I have a family member who has the mental age of a child. It fucked me up.
Crying is for pussies
Never cried because of watching something... maybe I have been desensitized from all the insane shit on the internet.
I think were being too harsh on the bro. Some guys are just naturally soft and are this way. Not every man is suppose to be the mean and harsh fighting types.
@Mercury if this is how you naturally are dont sweat it bro. A lot of girls also dig that being the 'sensitive' type and all or so from what I heard.
The only time a man is allowed to cry is if it's because how hasiid I am.