What books are you currently reading?


"You are your best thing"
Just finished reading this memoir, what a captivating piece, I read the whole thing in one sitting. It's a must read for any black person in the western world especially America.

for some one who constantly defends Bantus and reer hamar don't you think that's a little contradictory :mjlol:

Not at all. We're supposed to be able to learn and understand different views and opinions without fear of adopting them lol, unless they're more correct. It's how we learn.


The name is Professor, Haji Professor
Not at all. We're supposed to be able to learn and understand different views and opinions without fear of adopting them lol, unless they're more correct. It's how we learn.
So you understand his thoughts and work then i hope you will be receptive when i apply them in somalia. #Stop cushticgenocide:fittytousand:


Now I'm studying white genocide by reading this book:


The Strange Death of Europe
by Douglas Murray (2017).

This part made me chuckle, portraying Hirsi Ali as the first refugee from Western Europe:

Ayaan Hirsi Ali was finally allowed by the Dutch security service to live in a specially protected building in Holland. But her new neighbours sued to get her to move away from them, so fearful were they for their own lives with this trouble-maker so nearby. Soon afterwards, based on untrue claims made by a television station, the Minister of Immigration and Integration of Hirsi Ali’s own party, the VVD, withdrew her citizenship. The country that had allowed in hundreds of thousands of Muslims without expecting them to integrate, and which harboured some of the most radical preachers and cells in Europe, withdrew citizenship from one of the only immigrants who actually showed what a fully integrated immigrant to Holland would look like. Hirsi Ali moved to America, becoming, as Salman Rushdie subsequently put it, ‘maybe the first refugee from Western Europe since the Holocaust’. :dead:


Good left-wing propagandist book:

''The New Human Rights Movement: Reinventing the Economy to End Oppression'' by Peter Joseph


