What career paths would help improve Somalia the most

The truth seeker

Life , liberty , and the pursuit of happiness
Art degrees like political science or philosophy are a waste of time. They should stay as hobbies in your own spare time.

When it comes to academics, go with Medicine,Engineering, Economics, Finance and the sort
The first year of college I had to take that class to fill up my slots but I later focused on my finance degree and graduated

Economics would have been my degree if I wasn’t broke and in need of money


「Immortal Sage」| Qabil-fluid
What Somalia need more then anything is institutions you can trust. Being for a small clan. I'm not convinced the land or the house i buy in Somalia will be truly own by me. Guy with an ak47 from a major clan knocks the door. The house his

My family and majority of my clan members have been merchant/trader as far as anyone can remember. If didn't have network across the global and trade partners. Everything built for generation would have been lost after the civil war. 70% are even in Somalia anymore. I doesn't matter if you provide proof ownership if you don't have great backing
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