What countries do you respect the most?

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Gaalkacyo Gangster
Botswana, Japan, South Korea, The Bahamas, Germany, Turkey, Australia, New Zealand, Morocco, Jordan, Nigeria, Brazil, Singapore, Malaysia, Chile, Uruguay, Oman. Just of the top off my head.

And of course, Canada.
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1. China- They always stand their ground.

2. Russia- Same reason as China, plus their culture promotes physical strength and warrior mentality.

3. Japan- They protect their culture and traditions.

4. UK- That small island conquered nearly half the world.


Your superior
Ethiopia (our neighbours, calm and hard working people, plus the only place not to be colonised in Africa)

Japan (proud people with strong tradition, technological advancement and serious education system)

China (no one works as hard, long history, amazing education system, constant self improvement and advancement in every field )

Norway (progressive, forward thinking bunch, impressive history and one of the best places a human can live in)

South Korea (intelligence, tech advancements, very good social development, proud people)

Ghana (leading light in the dark continent, high levels of education, immensely hard working, the best African immigrants I have met )
Korea (i hope somalia's ass follows their path to success)




the only respectable countries in the asian continent. the rest are pure trash

honourable mention for pre war libya. them niggas dug their own grave


Hotep and Hebrew Israelite
Ethiopia (our neighbours, calm and hard working people, plus the only place not to be colonised in Africa)

Japan (proud people with strong tradition, technological advancement and serious education system)

China (no one works as hard, long history, amazing education system, constant self improvement and advancement in every field )

Norway (progressive, forward thinking bunch, impressive history and one of the best places a human can live in)

South Korea (intelligence, tech advancements, very good social development, proud people)

Ghana (leading light in the dark continent, high levels of education, immensely hard working, the best African immigrants I have met )
Ethiopia? They committed gen0cide against Somalis. If you support them then you are mentally ill. I even heard that they committed gen0cide against Amharas and Agew. 2 million Amharas "disappeared" in 2015(i think). So supporting them is worse than supporting H!tler because at least H!tler did not kill Somalis
Ethiopia (our neighbours, calm and hard working people, plus the only place not to be colonised in Africa)

Japan (proud people with strong tradition, technological advancement and serious education system)

China (no one works as hard, long history, amazing education system, constant self improvement and advancement in every field )

Norway (progressive, forward thinking bunch, impressive history and one of the best places a human can live in)

South Korea (intelligence, tech advancements, very good social development, proud people)

Ghana (leading light in the dark continent, high levels of education, immensely hard working, the best African immigrants I have met )
Who in their right mind would respect ethiopia? They kill our people in Somali Galbeed.


Hotep and Hebrew Israelite

Somalis kill Somalis
So? Do you support the killing of Somalis? That was the worst response. If Somalis have a problem with each other we can always work it out because we are brothers. Brothers always fight. But when someone else kills your brother you should stand with your brother and not watch him die.


Your superior
So? Do you support the killing of Somalis? That was the worst response. If Somalis have a problem with each other we can always work it out because we are brothers. Brothers always fight. But when someone else kills your brother you should stand with your brother and not watch him die.

We aren't brothers actually
So? Do you support the killing of Somalis? That was the worst response. If Somalis have a problem with each other we can always work it out because we are brothers. Brothers always fight. But when someone else kills your brother you should stand with your brother and not watch him die.
Wallahi that the truth walaal, we need to put aside our petty differences and UNITE.


Great Britain, Germany, South Korea, Pakistan, Nigeria and Turkey
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