What do think will cause ultimate human's destruction and end?

What do think will cause ultimate human's destruction and end?

  • Religion

  • Racism

  • Tribalism

  • Greed

  • Women

  • Technology

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[[Puntland Republic 🇸🇱]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]
What are you doubting?

Everything, no proof G, if Islam was the right path Allah would have made sure an unurguable evidence is out there without making millions of his creatures killing each other over it for centuries, but no he choose to watch us and and now we have 70k religions and each one claim to be the right one.:noneck:

Mr Sufi

How does stating my view is the same as going crazy? I'm merely forming an opinion on the basis of modern day scientific explanations for the way things are, something they didn't possess then or to the extent we do today and somehow that's Loco to you?

So perhaps I should blindly subscribe to ideologies to appease those long gone otherwise risk disrespecting and mocking them. My parents forced their Islamic beliefs on me; were both racist,sexiests, Gaalophics and homophobic when they were young parents.

But they grew beyond that and began teaching us to think for ourselves and to accept others. I respect and love my parents massively, and am I'm forever in their debt for the things they provided me (the same could be said for all the generations before me, that resulted in me getting to experience life today), but I don't require some allegiance to their beliefs to represent that gratitude and love.

Thanks for pointing my insanity, that somehow has complete relevance to what I originally said and the topic being discussed.

Mr Sufi

Everything, no proof G, if Islam was the right path Allah would have made sure an unurguable evidence is out there without making millions of his creatures killing each other over it for centuries, but no he choose to watch us and and now we have 70k religions and each one claim to be the right one.:noneck:

Funny how you left Islam but you can't seem to shut the f*ck up about the religion

Do you miss it

Come back bro Islam will embrace you again
Everything, no proof G, if Islam was the right path Allah would have made sure an unurguable evidence is out there without making millions of his creatures killing each other over it for centuries, but no he choose to watch us and and now we have 70k religions and each one claim to be the right one.:noneck:
1. Preservation of the Quran.
2. Scientific miracles in the Quran
3. The quran is linguistically unmatched. It's above poetry in eloquence.

without making millions of his creatures killing each other over it for centuries, but no he choose to watch us
This life is a test. Life wouldn't really be a test if everything was on easy mode.


[[Puntland Republic 🇸🇱]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]
1. Preservation of the Quran.
2. Scientific miracles in the Quran
3. The quran is linguistically unmatched. It's above poetry in eloquence.

This life is a test. Life wouldn't really be a test if everything was on easy mode.

First of all, you are telling me Allah decided to create billions of human/minnons and blew them with a soul so he can test them while he watches them from the top massacring each other? is he that bored?:pachah1: This sounds like the longest boardgame ever.

Secondly I speak Arabic fluently and to be honest there is nothing linguisticly amazing about it and impressive about it,it is nothing but an old Arabic dialect they used which many think is poetic just like the Bible.
First of all, you are telling me Allah decided to create billions of human/minnons and blew them with a soul so he can test them while he watches them from the top massacring each other? is he that bored?:pachah1: This sounds like the longest boardgame ever.

Secondly I speak Arabic fluently and to be honest there is nothing linguisticly amazing about it and impressive about it,it is nothing but an old Arabic dialect they used which many think is poetic just like the Bible.
You clearly understood nothing.

1. The Arab poets of the 7th century were the greatest poets and they attested to the greatness of the Quran. It's literary excellence is unmatched.

2. It is clear that you are ignorant on Islam. Allah said that he was a hidden treasure and he wanted to be found, that's why he created creation. He created beings with free will that would willingly turn turn to him and love him and recognize him as their lord.

If you're going to ask why didn't Allah create us as obedient slaves that obeyed his every command, then I'm gonna just assume that you've clearly never heard of angels.

Before the souls were brought to earth. We chose to be human and we chose to carry the heavy responsibility of free will. Allah is now testing us to see whether we will fulfill the covenant we undertook or forsake it and most of humanity has forsaken it. That's why you see so much evil in this world. But don't worry everyone will get what they deserve in Yawm al Qiyamah.

3. You have this very wrong assumption about Allah. He is not this big man in a chair watching us as some form of entertainment. First of all, Allah is the limitless and independent. He is not limited by the laws of his creation. He transcends it. He is not bound by the dimensions of space and time. All of what we are going through is like a twinkle of an eye. The time we have on this earth is very little. We, just perceive it as very long.


[[Puntland Republic 🇸🇱]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]
Funny how many of the conservative members on here are denying that religion will lead us to the ultimate destruction and the end of humanity(YowMalQiyaamah).:drakekidding: