This quite literally functions as a CIA Blacksite how low we have fallenThis is where the Somali government takes its orders from.
all these siyaasiyiin are on a tight leash.
If we get 1 president that defies the ajnabis completely and is only on the kursi to serve the interest of dadka waxaan idin promise garayna in maalmo yer lugu khaarijiin doono.
wadankaan ajnabiga lacag la'aan iyo gaajo makes it easier for the ajnabis to keep a tight leash on everyone Somalia in its current state cannot survive without caawimaad and as you all know caawimaad ain't free it comes with a price tag.
The CIA’s Secret Sites in Somalia
The CIA's Secret Sites in Somalia
Renditions, an underground prison and a new CIA base are elements of an intensifying US war, according to a Nation investigation in