What do you guys think the average IQ of Somalia is?

What do you guys think the average IQ of Somalia is?

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I ain't we wuzzing shit. Somalis did these things and still do.
You amhara however are too busy on wikipedia claiming every single event in East African history. Semetic half breeds speaking off brand Arabic, the founding story of the Habash is when the Ethiopian man gets cucked by queen sheba who fucks a jew and makes their half breed son the king of habasha males. In the modern day you aren't getting cucked by jews but by Tyrone's. Every other nigga in Sweden and Washington D.C got a story with Selam
Queen Sheba believed in Allah and was a devout Muslim. The way you are talking about her is absolutely disgusting. Fear Allah you shameless Incel.


I ain't we wuzzing shit. Somalis did these things and still do.
You amhara however are too busy on wikipedia claiming every single event in East African history. Semetic half breeds speaking off brand Arabic, the founding story of the Habash is when the Ethiopian man gets cucked by queen sheba who fucks a jew and makes their half breed son the king of habasha males. In the modern day you aren't getting cucked by jews but by Tyrone's. Every other nigga in Sweden and Washington D.C got a story with Selam
At least the founding story of Somalis has a xalimo getting mashed by a Somali man under a tree. Ain't no Shisheeye touching our noble Cushitic lineage.

Somali excellence ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ด



Queen Sheba believed in Allah and was a devout Muslim. The way you are talking about her is absolutely disgusting. Fear Allah you shameless Incel.
Ain't queen of sheba some Semetic queen from the yemen or habash some thousands years ago? I'm pretty sure they were mostly polytheists in the region at the time.
Ain't queen of sheba some Semetic queen from the yemen or habash some thousands years ago? I'm pretty sure they were mostly polytheists in the region at the time.
Queen Sheba was a former polytheist and worshipped the sun. She left her pagan religion and embraced Islam. She was from the ancient kingdom of saba located in Yemen.

Cartan Boos

Average SSC Patriot
STFU you french wh0re. Tell me one medical or technological invention somalis ever invented.
the most efficient war vehicle was invented by Lamagoodle seeth madow, even in war we genius Race, what has u acursed people invented except for diseases like apola and monkey box, u had peace for long time and nothing to show for it
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Cartan Boos

Average SSC Patriot
You retarded incel. I asked you to name one invention. Just one. And you couldn't. Muh diplomats muh hydraulic engineerings . Where is the hydraulic engineering in 2023 ?? Stop the cap nigga.
the hydraulic system still helps somalis to this day cope

Cartan Boos

Average SSC Patriot
Those hydraulic engineers weren't even ethnic Somalis lol. Somalis can't even build a simple dam in Somalia to store and provide water for their population. On the contrary, Kenya and Ethiopia have numerous dams that provide essential services for their people. Stop the utter nonsense, sxb.
ma adaa qabilka ajuran and madale ajnabi ka dhigay yahay, 15 million of kenyan are starving and over million of ethiopian are starving lol whatever u say starvn marvin


You need people like me
I don't want to sound like a woke liberal, but iq & the wealth of nations is definitely pseudoscience, lynn's whole argument is africa is poor due to low iq, but doesn't mention other important factors like functioning institutions. The south & north Korea, the average southerner is more than 40 times richer than the northerner, but since Koreans are a single ethnic group, it can't be iq which is bringing about such massive difference but other factors like the 2 countries differing political systems & institutions. A somali or an African back home won't get the opportunity to learn or get enough nutrition which will of course make it impossible for them to reach their potentials.
During WW1 Jewish soldiers scored well below average and a few decades later they were matching or outperforming their peers. IQ is strongly correlated to socioeconomic status.
We have one of the highest IQs in the world. The entire world envies us. The current state of affairs in our beautiful country is a manifestation of our brilliant and high IQ. Other low-IQ nations and communities need to take lessons from us.

Those hydraulic engineers weren't even ethnic Somalis lol. Somalis can't even build a simple dam in Somalia to store and provide water for their population. On the contrary, Kenya and Ethiopia have numerous dams that provide essential services for their people. Stop the utter nonsense, sxb.
Waxaan oo miiran baa SS ka wada buuxo.

Gun la aqoon mesha laga keenay baa malin walbo shaar Somali ku so gashanaayo๐ŸคฃSomali baan ahay lagaa dhaadhicina siinjigaada na sii gaar ah loo cayna kkkkkkkkk
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The notorious 68 IQ of course. Somalis are the least intelligent race after australian aboriginals.
You people are no nasty, take your self hatred somewhere else.

EDIT: Actually go check his post history haha, whole account dedicated to shitting on Somalis. This person is not Somali, absolutely no way. I am sensing a Niger-Congoid.
And genetically humans have a pretty standard intelligence unless you have certain disabilities or have inbreeding.
The rest would be up to education.
Do you have any concrete proof that inbreeding (particularly first cousin marriage) leads to lower ntelligence?
Historically our ancestors werenโ€™t very fond of cousin marriages. Even travelers who lived amongst Somalis noted this. Burton mentions this as well.
Not just cousin, they would even avoid marrying from the same subclan. Many qabils the mother of the person their qabil is named from, is of a different clan. This is something that is known in Somali history, odd that the larper would not know this.
I notice you just say stuff, never any sources or nothing. Even in another thread I ask you for sources, you don't bring anything. You just like downplaying Somali history.
I will provide you the sources on the other thread. I don't want to derail the topic. I have always provided historical and academic sources for my claims. You guys just keep disregarding it.

