What do you prefer darkskin or light skin Xalimo?

Dark vs light

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Keep it a boqol

โ€œLive as if everything is rigged in your favourโ€
Dark skin Halimos slept on their curly hair looks so exotic with their skin tone. Girl like this will be future of somali models

my nigga thatโ€™s a child
I am against light skinned girls these days cuz of naagaha is cadeeya; otherwise, it doesn't matter as long she is quruxleey.


East Africa UNUKA LEH
Havenโ€™t seen this thread in a long time
Your cousin is part of the minority/exception, the average Somali looks more Black or Bi-racial looking. Her look is more common amongst peninsular Arabs and Egyptians etc.

Average Somali females:
This is what arab ass licking does to a nigga. You will never find that look in Egypt or in Peninsular Arabs? She looks Somali. This nigga worships people heโ€™s never seen.


LG gang we gon slide for my nigga ๐Ÿค๐Ÿฅท
Dumb question skin tone ainโ€™t even a factor when Iโ€™m choosing. Thereโ€™s good and bad lookin women in all shades.

