If you have political aspirations in Somalia you won’t get far with this type of mindset.There is no allah. God is 'science' today. Academic Experts are the new 'sheikhs' like 'doctors' authority means much more then sheikh or priest authority, the new religion is the 'state' and institutions are far stronger then fiqh and madhabs, try messing around and see the 'cops or army' come out and deal with u.
Try saying a doctor is wrong and u can lose your freedom thru doctor authority. That's not mentioning all the human intelligence that 'sir doon' do to ensure no other institution arises to disturb the government. The power trinity is govt-army-police-intelligence-doctors-academics-institutions. That is god now no need to say 'acuudi billah' no sheikh has any legal power over anything and if they do it's relegated as 'mythological studies' in academia. This means
Religion is dying a horrible death now. Science has taken over the helm of authority. Religion doesn't control science, science is the last word not allah. U can be muslim and involved in academia-science but the rule of secular is the global power .