Honey - makeup artist/ local Xalwo makerWhat about me
What about me
Honey - makeup artist/ local Xalwo maker![]()
What y'all think i do?
Pshycology or social workerWhat y'all think i do?
Stay at home mom?What y'all think i do?
BINGOOOPart time Gardener part time Cyber security Agent aka online Snitch
Part time Gardener part time Cyber security Agent aka online Snitch
@UncleMenace white van man picking up children
It means exactly what I wrote adeerWhat's that suppose to mean
How did I miss thread.
I haven't read tmz for 6 years. Try the shade room loooooL
Ever thought what everyone else on this site does for a living?put down some of your thoughts; Here's mine:
Abdijohnson - Social worker/ LGBT activist
Crazywadad - Local drug dealer, Unemployed
Mercury - ESL teacher/ Part time baby sitter/
Uncle Menace - Truck driver for UPS/ professional troll
RealWarya - Student/ Game nerd
Barni - Admin assistant/ Somali social justice warrior - organizer
Salih- Mechanic/Part-time belly dancer at Sisha joint
Game - IT specialist/ Khat distributor
Duchess- Childcare Worker
Nabeel786 - Cashier at Amal Express/ Professional khat chewer
Baraf - Dentist assistant/ Failed singer
Blood- Starbucks worker / Isbaaro supervisor (Former)
Rooble - Factory worker/ future Anti-SL rebel leader- aspirant
Waraabe - Website designer/ Recovering khat addicted
Duke of Harshaw - Dhabahshill office boy / former member of Woolwich street gang
Cognitivedissonace - Cabbie driver
Lily- Mental Ward Assistant/ emo
Suki-reiko - Nurse/ TMZ addicted
Xayd - Pizza delivery boy
Air Jalam - Uber driver
Dhoobe - Macalin Dugsi/ failed SL politican