What does the quran say about earth Shape?

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And there's a lot more, such as the fact which the scientists confirmed that the fetus is preserved in the womb of his mother from getting light to him by three layers.
The mother's womb consists of three layers. This was mentioned 1400 years ago in the Quran [Az-Zummar 39, verse 6] that [He created you in the wombs of your mothers, creation after creation, in three fold darkness.]

The Prophet scw. came with this information. That the womb of a mother is made up of 'darkness', three layers prevents light from reaching the fetus. These layers (I believe are called in English: ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm), these layers were only found by the recent well developed microscopes! Did Prophet Muhammad use such equipment to know these facts that have been discovered recently?! Certainly not, they did not exist. Not even a century ago, these matters were not known to people. Prophet Muhammad scw came with the Quran that told about them 1400 years ago.
@Aduunyoy the three layers discovery came from a Greek doctor named Galen. He lived thousands of years before Muhammad.

Critics argue that the discussion thus far points towards an absence of evidence, and an absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. This criticism brings to light that even if there is no evidence to claim that Hellenic embryology was common knowledge, and that the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ could not have learnt Hellenic medicine from the physicians of the time, it still does not prove that knowledge of Hellenic embryology was absent from early 7th century Arabic speaking society. As ever, this understanding of the above discussion is flawed. The discussion so far has presented a strong case showing that Hellenic embryology did not form part of early 7th century Arabian society’s common knowledge. If it was common, it would most likely to have been recorded in the oral traditions, the written treatises, the medical practices and the historical narratives of the time. For these reasons, the claim that Hellenic embryology was common knowledge is highly unlikely. Therefore, to prolong the assertion that Hellenic embryology was common knowledge even though it is highly likely it wasn’t, is almost irrational and conspiratorial.
he also believes that the semen from both the male and female mix with menstrual blood. In his book On Semen, Galen concludes that the formation of the fetus arises from the mixing of the two semens, from the mother and the father, plus menstrual blood.[65]:faysalwtf::chrisfreshhah::lolbron:
thousands?..are u claiming that prophet scw plagiarised Hellenic embryology?

He didn't plagerize; he simply just stated known information. This verse is fine. But its wrong for Muslims to say these types of information was first revealed to Muhammad by God.

As for the mixing of blood and sperm, that's irrelevant. I am speaking about his discovery of the three layers which was known thousands of years before your prophet was even on this Earth.

I can give you dozen examples of inconsistencies and errors and discoveries from before the Prophets time that Muslims claim was first revealed to Muhammad and known by no one else.

Can you explain to me why God in his own book mixed up meteorites with stars? He did create meteorites and stars so how can he mix his creations up?

@Aduunyoy I will come back to Islam if you show me something I can't refute and if you clarify anything could be unclear or is wrong. Please start with the meteorites and stars.
He didn't plagerize; he simply just stated known information. This verse is fine. But its wrong for Muslims to say these types of information was first revealed to Muhammad by God.

As for the mixing of blood and sperm, that's irrelevant. I am speaking about his discovery of the three layers which was known thousands of years before your prophet was even on this Earth.

I can give you dozen examples of inconsistencies and errors and discoveries from before the Prophets time that Muslims claim was first revealed to Muhammad and known by no one else.

Can you explain to me why God in his own book mixed up meteorites with stars? He did create meteorites and stars so how can he mix his creations up?

@Aduunyoy I will come back to Islam if you show me something I can't refute and if you clarify anything could be unclear or is wrong. Please start with the meteorites and stars.

Now, there’s no way I can prove this scientifically, and that’s not my purpose. But I do want you to consider a few facts.

  1. We all know that shooting stars are not really stars at all. They are really meteorites.
  2. The ancient Arabs, like just about everyone else in the world at that time, really did think they were stars.
  3. However, nowhere in the Quran does Allah refer to these “shooting stars” as stars!
If Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) had made up the Quran from his head, he would have called shooting stars “stars” like everyone else did.
After all, they certainly do look like stars. And everyone else around him were calling them stars.

But the Quran never refers to them as stars. Instead, Allah uses the phrase “lamps” or “flame.”

And we used to sit therein in positions for hearing, but whoever listens now will find a burning flame lying in wait for him.

Chapter 72 Verse 9

And We have certainly beautified the nearest heaven with lamps and have made (from) them what is thrown at the devils and have prepared for them the punishment of the Blaze.

Chapter 67 Verse 5

I believe this is another amazing fact that the Quran has right when the average human of the time would have made a mistake.

These miracles from the Quran should bolster your faith and strengthen your desire to please Allah. His Messenger (pbuh) has brought us the truth and we would be foolish to ignore these obvious facts.
He didn't plagerize; he simply just stated known information. This verse is fine. But its wrong for Muslims to say these types of information was first revealed to Muhammad by God. - abdijohnson.

even if the medical scholars that he mentions in the first point knew *something* of embryology, I sincerely doubt that they knew anything of the first eight weeks in detail enough to come up with those verses (which match with development up to eight weeks gestation which is actually conception to six weeks of life and which you need a microscope to observe) and even if they did know this, when exactly did Prophet Muhammad saw get to study galen, hippocrates and this Jewish doctor's writings, seeing as he never went to school or learned to read and write??
In the book "A brief illustrated guide to understanding Islam" by I.A.Ibrahim, he shows how the stages of the development of the embryo correspond with the descriptions in the Qur'an accurately and in full detail that could not have been known to anyone prior to the invention of the microscope and other modern technology, including how at the very earliest stage the embryo resembles a leech in shape and gets its nutrition from the blood in the lining of the uterus and blood inside it is pooled rather than flowing through vessles, making it resemble a bloodclot in appearance, and is suspended inside the womb - and that the Arabic word "alaaqah" has three possible meanings, "leech" "suspended thing" and "blood clot". It is not possible for Galen or any of the other early scientists to have determined that the embryo at this stage was simeltaneously like a leech, a suspended thing, and a blood clot. Nor did they know Arabic to decide to use the term "alaaqah" to describe it. In addition the same book goes on to describe how the word used to describe the next stage of embryology similarly fits the way the embryo actually is. Also, the stages that the embryo passes through are all very early in development, within the first four weeks after conception. At the time of Galen etc a woman would not have even known she was pregnant at these stages. Also the book says how Professor Emeritus Keith L Moore who is an expert on embryology said of these verses "It is clear to me that these statements must have come to Muhammad from God because almost all of this knowledge was not discovered until centuries later." - the same professor has even said that the stages of embryo development could be named after the terms used in the Qur'an.
even more interestingly, this book leaves out the bit in the Qur'an about how the bones grow and flesh "clothes" the bones. At week seven the embryo's bones start to grow and calcify. At week eight, the muscle tissue starts to grow around the bones. The Qur'an states that after this, the soul is blown into the baby. Week eight is when the foetus actually starts to move (because it now has muscles mashaAllah) and also when modern scientists stop calling it an "embryo" and start to call it a "foetus" because it has started to look more human.

again, how could the above named doctors have observed all this, and how could Muhammad SAW who never went to school or learned to read have learned it even if they had done?
The Quran does not support a flat earth, stop claiming stupid things and justifying it by saying: "Everything I say is from the Quran" No, everything you say is from your limited understanding of the Quran.
It's funny how atheists always try to seem the more rational when in reality it is they who hold the most irrational of views.

It's so surprising to see how atheists in this forum are basically regurgitating age old accusations against the prophet Muhammad (saws) propogated by Christian apologetics and others, accusations that have been thoroughly refuted. Have you even cared to give Islam/the prophet Muhammad the benefit of the doubt and at least tried to look at the Muslim response to these silly accusations, the answer has to be No since you're still spewing them. Usually when you're trying to find out the truth about something, you look at both sides of the argument, unless you've already made up your mind about it then you'll settle for whatever fits your internal narrative.

Anyway they're all here, if anyone is interested in the Islamic perspective on the grim accusations that are often leveled at our dear prophet Muhammad (saws)

The Qur'an describes the earth as being flat, and that's what I believe.
What I see, feel and observe is a stationary flat earth. So that's what I believe

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It's funny how atheists always try to seem the more rational when in reality it is they who hold the most irrational of views.

It's so surprising to see how atheists in this forum are basically regurgitating age old accusations against the prophet Muhammad (saws) propogated by Christian apologetics and others, accusations that have been thoroughly refuted. Have you even cared to give Islam/the prophet Muhammad the benefit of the doubt and at least tried to look at the Muslim response to these silly accusations, the answer has to be No since you're still spewing them. Usually when you're trying to find out the truth about something, you look at both sides of the argument, unless you've already made up your mind about it then you'll settle for whatever fits your internal narrative.

Anyway they're all here, if anyone is interested in the Islamic perspective on the grim accusations that are often leveled at our dear prophet Muhammad (saws)

You know what, at least the cadaan they idolise actually do their homework (albeit twisting the facts to suit their agenda).
These apostates don't even know the basics let alone be able to have a discussion about aqeedah and tawheed.
Their Western idols will always look down on them no matter how much they slander the messenger (saw) to try and please them.
U can't help but pity these pathetic self-hating, intellectually challenged egomaniacs who desperately try to cling to 'Somalia culture' so they try and impress their colonial masters with it. Running back to their slave masters with pictures from 100 years ago saying "s..s..sir look what I've found! We Somalis never really practiced Islam before those darned wahhabis came to us with it.... I can help you irradicate wahhabism! Please love me.. [emoji7]"
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