What I don't understand about the war on terror

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Who exactly is it protecting if it's OK to carpet bomb civilian areas?


This is so outrageous! They're also fanning the flames by sending out anti Muslim propaganda 24/7 and they wonder why people are leaving to fight? I switched off the TV because I was about to get health complications from the shock every day from Israel to Syria and Iraq. I think ISIS are scum for killing people in the way they do - no way are they freedom fighters, they have no conscience even killing other Muslims including executing women (it could be other militia some of the time tho, hard to tell). At the same time I think the West is morally bankrupt in this war and they are no better - they just have bigger weapons.


Your superior
This is so outrageous! They're also fanning the flames by sending out anti Muslim propaganda 24/7 and they wonder why people are leaving to fight? I switched off the TV because I was about to get health complications from the shock every day from Israel to Syria and Iraq. I think ISIS are scum for killing people in the way they do - no way are they freedom fighters, they have no conscience even killing other Muslims including executing women (it could be other militia some of the time tho, hard to tell). At the same time I think the West is morally bankrupt in this war and they are no better - they just have bigger weapons.

think about it, who is supporting isis. How can an organisation that did not exist 5 years ago become the most powerful in that short period of time. The aim of ISIS was to start a war between sunni and shia in the middle east but as soon as people realised this ISIS completely switched their tactics. before it was anti shia now you hardly see them mention shia/sunni. their motivation is to create chaos in the middle east/


I'm glad they gave up fighting - I hope this ends soon because there is literally nothing left in Syria and Iraq. I wonder when they'll consider the war to be over? You can't win a war like this - they'll probably turn both countries into police states once this is done.


May the west f*ck up the Middle east beyond recognition, and may the flames of propaganda against the middle east never end and grow bigger obamadatazz


Arabs are extremely wacist - they have sweets called ' head' and they look down on black people because of slavery. The West gives us equal rights, citizenship, jobs, and an education. Have to give credit where it's due - and we're socially accepted as well, not just legally. Arabs don't distinguish between the people they enslaved and us btw


Your superior
Arabs are extremely wacist - they have sweets called ' head' and they look down on black people because of slavery. The West gives us equal rights, citizenship, jobs, and an education. Have to give credit where it's due - and we're socially accepted as well, not just legally.

i hate victimhood, so what if they call us , its their right. Newsflash we call bantu all sort of things. The west doesn't care for you either.


Who's a victim though - I'm not crying about that. I'm using it as a justification to free my emotional energy and direct it towards my own.

As it says in the Quran:

"God does not change the condition of a nation unless it changes what is in its heart. When God wants to punish a people, there is no way to escape from it and no one besides God will protect them from it."


I support the United States 100% in terms of ambushing terror in the Middle East!
This is not a war against Muslims, this is a war against Arabs and their faqash culture.
Arabs have such a disgusting culture, thinking about it makes me wanna vomit or jump of a cliff.
Take a look at how peaceful both Turkey and Indonesia are. They are Muslim countries, yet very peaceful.
The issue is not Muslims, its Arabs. And they must be dealt with.
They have no self-respect for their egos, and consider themseleves white.
While the whites consider them infidels and created NATO to destory them/
They look down on blacks, including SOMALIS, and call them shitty negroid terms such as, "cabeeed and cabdi" both meaning slave.
This is why Arabs should be nuked, drop that hiroshima nagasaki on them, and lets celebrate.
Let's start with Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Suadi Arabia, f*ck it. All of them! Kill them, and will support it!
I might even go join the U.S military to go kill these fucking goat fucking fags, giving US muslims a bad name.
No one's bombing other NONE Muslim countries, because we MUSLIMS are peace loving people!
It is the Arabs that cause such an up roar, they must be shut! Only reason there is terror in Somalia is because the Arabs brought their SHITTY SHITTTY Wahabism into our country.


25 years of not caring who dies as long as your qabiils have power? Yes, a corrupted culture.
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