What is best DNA company to take a test

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Jake from State Farm

We pro xalimo all 2019
@RichEnoughForGucci Naacalad yaheey why did u lie to me about being a half Colombiana in the dm's a month ago????

Now u just a plain ol' Xalimoid :axvmm9o:
Xalimoid :drakelaugh::drakelaugh:

Imma start using that
I don't understand??:abuxyga::abuxyga: make more sense nigga all I said was being a full somali is better. Obviously as the dumb nigga you are you thought I was half colombian take several seats doqonyahow.
Damn I see that u have become more sensitive since u came out as a "full somali" lol

Take a chill pill amore. I don't care if you're full Somali or half jinni iyo baalayo, you're gettin' this joystick as long as you're attractive :manny:

Jake from State Farm

We pro xalimo all 2019
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East African pastoralist. Cushite. Samaale.
i would be excited whateva comes out but probably you get 30+ Mideast and 20+ N African and rest SSA with few otha %.

With the new update she would roughly get:
30+ Middle Eastern
5% North African
31+ East African
30+ African South Central Hunter Gathers
4% Southern Bantu


Somaliweyn haa nolaato

Grandfather is full somali.

My dad is half somali half Ethiopian. I didn’t even know until age 13 when I met my grandmother for the first time. First time I saw her I thought she was a random Ethiopian lady. But than I heard my dad say hooyo and I was like :what1:. Turns out he was born and raised in Mogadishu. Than lived in Ethiopia for a bit and went back to Mogadishu for awhile. I have no idea how her and my grandfather met.

My mom is full somali. Everyone on her side is somali. My dad look somali that’s why I was confused when I saw my grandmother

Omgg, I’m so sorry for your loss. May you never receive such sad news again. ❤️❤️
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