What is going on, who are these ppl, and where they are talking from?

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shambara,gosha bantu+jreer
Shiidle+makaane jreer but not bantu
Abgaal Afef+Tunni Torre bantu but not jreerweyne

and there’s a bunch of jileec .5 clans that are members of jrweeyne purely to maximize seats in parliament.
The only jileec clan that got assimilated into Madoweyne is arguably Eylo. All the others know their roots and are pure Bantu.


Beesha Jreer Wayne have a grudge against us Abgaals because of discrimination (As Abgaal I agree that they have been mistreated by my folks) but reer Axmedeey threats have been on crazy lately
Where do they get discriminated by abgaals LOL?
hintire are a huge amount of jrweyne and they’re jileec lol
It’s common for Madowweyne clans to take the name of the clan they were living under/with. It’s safe to say Shiidle, Makanne, the ones in Jubbaland who speak their ancestral language as well as the smaller ones who go under Reer hebelow are pure Bantu. I have noticed Reer Shabelle tend to look different though.
He’s just trying to bring a nonsense victim narrative into this discussion he knows nothing about.

Having an interest in the inhabitants of Somalia makes me mixed?

I’m just not ignorant and have friends from all backgrounds of Somali maxamed and travelled widely.
No, the reason I ask is that I've seen you separate certain Bantus from Madowweyne and claim that they're native to Somalia when that's not true. Makanne, Shiidle, they're all bantus. I've seen you go as far as to claim that they're Omotic. I will say though that they have a significantly higher admixture of Somali DNA than the ones in the Jubbas which is why they look the way they do.

It would make sense as to why you're so invested if part of your ancestry is made up of these clans hence my question.
Beesha Jreer Wayne have a grudge against us Abgaals because of discrimination (As Abgaal I agree that they have been mistreated by my folks) but reer Axmedeey threats have been on crazy lately

Abgaal are the only clan who treat them decently other than the obvious marrying as it is part of our dhaqan to welcome people. I have noticed they seem to hold a grudge though.
The only jileec clan that got assimilated into Madoweyne is arguably Eylo. All the others know their roots and are pure Bantu.
Eyle aren't part of jàreerweyne politically nor are they jileec, they are Madow , majority of jàreer tribes in south are of same stock as eyle such as gawaawiin, shiidle, makanne, kaboole , shabelle, hurguma, aytire etc so you're basically saying they're all jileec, the pure bantus are minority amongst jàreers in general
I don't think hintire are originally jileec. They were brought to Somalia by ajuuraan. They probably mixed with the jileec Somalis a fair bit though.
Nah they are, they're from caalam balcad, the jàreer of hintire joined them like hurguma, kulmis and more I can't remember, there was no mixing that took place
Eyle aren't part of jàreerweyne politically nor are they jileec, they are Madow , majority of jàreer tribes in south are of same stock as eyle such as gawaawiin, shiidle, makanne, kaboole , shabelle, hurguma, aytire etc so you're basically saying they're all jileec, the pure bantus are minority amongst jàreers in general
Eyle claim to be hunter gatherers and I think that is totally possible. Raxanweyn claims them and some of them have intermixed but even the pure ones look completely different from the Bantu. Their location makes sense to be hunter gatherers too. It’s a shame Somali Bantu clans are underrepresented in the DNA section.
hintire are a huge amount of jrweyne and they’re jileec lol
Hintire are part of jàreerweyn politically, but originally it's a jileec clan from Caalam baalcad just like ajuran waaqle and waalamoge, when the jileec hintire came to mareerey there was already jàreers there , known as hurguma they're a confederacy of 8 clans and they outnumbered the jileec hence why all hintire became part of jàreerweyn
Eyle claim to be hunter gatherers and I think that is totally possible. Raxanweyn claims them and some of them have intermixed but even the pure ones look completely different from the Bantu. Their location makes sense to be hunter gatherers too. It’s a shame Somali Bantu clans are underrepresented in the DNA section.
Yes they were hunter gatherers,they weren't the only ones however, there's others like Garmagalle who are know part of shiidle, they're part of raxanweyn politically, there was no intermixing between eyle and neighbouring clans like Eelay or Helledi historically, there aren't any bantu Eyle.

The Somali Bantu clans are like the Shambara clans and Mushunguli, those are the only ones that are standalone bantu groups, there are other bantus such as the ones that came through slave trade and ended up joining jàreer tribes after being freed or sticking with the tribe they were workers for.
No, the reason I ask is that I've seen you separate certain Bantus from Madowweyne and claim that they're native to Somalia when that's not true. Makanne, Shiidle, they're all bantus. I've seen you go as far as to claim that they're Omotic. I will say though that they have a significantly higher admixture of Somali DNA than the ones in the Jubbas which is why they look the way they do.

It would make sense as to why you're so invested if part of your ancestry is made up of these clans hence my question.
I’ve never claimed they were native to Somalia.

I said that they came down the river shabelle sometime in the 1500’s from Western Ethiopia, which matches both their clan records and the clan history of southerners like @

Banadiri Warrior


You seem to be arguing against a straw man of me, and are aggrieved? Even if I was incorrectly arguing that they were native there’s no reason to question my lineage and be so hostile instead of arguing and stating your point.
Yes they were hunter gatherers,they weren't the only ones however, there's others like Garmagalle who are know part of shiidle, they're part of raxanweyn politically, there was no intermixing between eyle and neighbouring clans like Eelay or Helledi historically, there aren't any bantu Eyle.

The Somali Bantu clans are like the Shambara clans and Mushunguli, those are the only ones that are standalone bantu groups, there are other bantus such as the ones that came through slave trade and ended up joining jàreer tribes after being freed or sticking with the tribe they were workers for.
Garmagale are a complicated topic and only DNA testing can solve their true origins. Some even claim Xawaadle. Shambara and Mushunguli as well as Shiidle and Makanne are all Bantus from SE Africa. Shiidle are not hunter gatherers or native of any sort.
Garmagale are a complicated topic and only DNA testing can solve their true origins. Some even claim Xawaadle. Shambara and Mushunguli as well as Shiidle and Makanne are all Bantus from SE Africa. Shiidle are not hunter gatherers or native of any sort.
No it's not complicated, all these clans have abtirsi just like hawiye and darood have abtirsi, do you say only DNA testing can solve the true origin for samaale's and darood aswell?

Garmagalle were hunter gatherers in dooy region prior to becoming farmers on the river where they now inhabit, shiidle and makanne are native to their lands along wabi shabelle they claim same ancestors as eyle so how does that make them bantu? They claim to have migrated from Harar region in Ethiopia following the river to where they are now.

Watch from 27:25 , he explains the origin of many of the native jàreer tribes of south
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